
There is zero benefit to the customer when Epic nabs an exclusive for themselves, and several tangible negatives. It’s pretty straightforward to understand, and so thank you for this breakdown.

This. The Ionic won in more categories than the Apple Watch, it should have won overall. Apple Watch DOES have a great app selection, but that seems so minor when your phone is right there in your pocket willing to do the same job (if not BETTER than the watch). The Fitbit exceeds expectations in doing great things

So Apple Watch is bad at tracking fitness and has a shit battery, two things that are absolutely critical for most people considering a smartwatch... but it wins?

Because they switched to a superior device?

Coming from a fighting game background, it’s a case where if the exploit wasn’t banned at the tournament (and depending on how the exploit is executed, that may not be a realistic route), it’s fair game. It’d be on the organizers to make that call and the developers to patch it out, if it was to be removed.

Or maybe weepy blogs like Gawker (RIP), Gizmodo, and Kotaku were far overstating the threat a bunch of nerds angrily hashtagging from their parents’ basement posed in an effort to make themselves out as victims?

Unless you need a USB 3.0 port for some reason (network-attached storage would be the main thing), I’d say no. The 68 is a bit faster, but feature-wise I think they’re pretty much the same.

Unless you need a USB 3.0 port for some reason (network-attached storage would be the main thing), I’d say no. The

While it is possible to intercept the update check and answer with a wrong version, this is not an automatic update. The user is required to download the newer version manually.

Do we know the bias we get from Gawker?

That’s really kind of unfortunate as the only thing that would bring me back to GTA V is single player content. Then again, I don’t appear to be their target market any more.

“pandering to the mythical, dwindling horde of HARDCORE users who love the physical keyboards”

It’s not about trying to replace a standard console controller with another standard console controller.

I never watch light night TV, but Colbert has been killing it. I may have to start tuning in. This was great.

This is why I wear Nip-Guards for any run over an hour or so. Otherwise, they get chaffed to death and may even start to bleed. I suspect this would be much less of an issue if they didn’t get hard and poke out a bit during exercise.


And it’s ADOBE AGAIN. Though not Flash this time, the font rendering stuff, so even on a clean install without Flash you’re f@#$ed. Adobe Ruins Everything.

Should’ve just done this to both of them:

Generally speaking, I don’t think that committing to one service forever is the best idea to begin with. There are a million reasons to welcome competition (remember when Firefox was the only browser you’d ever need?). That being said, LastPass—and most other password managers—costs money. This does not. I think

Basically, it's a built-in Twitter version of Google Authenticator.

@PrinceKabobular: This is based on voting in the Call for Contenders thread. If you want to see more Mac options in the Hive Five, then maybe you should vote in the CfC threads.