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Even with an R4 I wouldn't even download the Imagine series from Ubisoft. Eww.


"You could kill the child you were buying this for with that thing."

Won't affect me because I'll use XP until it goes out, then fully switch to Linux.

.. or it could mean that you bought Vista and be stuck with it because of a rumor.

Valve is the best gaming company in the world.

I guess I'm just used to CloneDVD and CloneDVD Mobile.

If you cut Guiles hair just a bit, on the right one in the third picture, it could be Duke Nukem :O

I prefer WinDirStat. The use of the graphical map of the files and folders structure make it even easier to spot them.

Finally some consideration for the netbooks :D

Been using for a while. This is a must-have for any Windows-based laptop.

I'd say the countless reboots, and almost the necessity of having an anti-virus always running in the background, due to the poor security model behind the operating system.

Hint: need more serious games for video game enthousiasts.

Look simple, but still I'd like to play it.

At the price they sell their games on the Steam platform and by estimating their development costs, no wonder how they make money.

The Klobb made me litteraly LOL.

By thw way, the URL in the screenshot is now flagged by Google phishing database. This particular URL shouldn't be a problem for now, at least for Firefox users.