mandy's mimosaaaaaa

I can’t imagine a brand I will miss less than Harley Davidson. It just represents so much that sucks. Shitty licensing agreements, shitty products, shitty owners, shitty culture, shitty management, shitty everything.

So from the younger Americans to the small peen boomers that have propped up this company so long I

Trust me, I thought about it already. However, the real issues with big block swaps in Panteras are the torque thru the ZF transaxle and the length of the engine. The ZF transaxle is very expensive to rebuild and can develop problems somewhere above 500 lb-ft of torque. The length of most big blocks (looks like the

I think you can comfortably conclude that. I can comfortably conclude that it looks good, and 80% of the comments on here are wrong.

CobraJoe will be here any second to tell us how they could have bored it out just a smidge “so the valves could breathe better” and “pick up 200HP”! Why ford so stupid?!

“The name’s Farts. GlitterbombFarts. Oh that puppy? Yeah, it’s got a hemi. But let’s talk about the important stuff. My cousin once fought a hobo in Daytona Beach over a piece of trash can pizza. That scar there? Got it from falling out of Boo Radley’s apple tree. In ‘Nam. I think you know how you need to cast your

Thor's Hammer & Sickle

Parallel barking is tricky.

Or: we could not do this

a p100d is like 130,000 dollars

That’s not what I’ve seen -- the 7.3L will actually be oversquare (4.22 bore, 3.976 stroke) which is a very similar ratio to the 3.5L EB (3.64, 3.41)

So he built a Ridgeline? 

Ah the MK4 supra.  The most overrated car of all time.  

Some regulation/enforcement (yeah right) on aftermarket stuff would be very helpful as well. The amount of people driving around with extra bright LED headlights or light bars or BOTH ON at the SAME TIME is getting out of hand.. at least where I am in NC

Mustang GT4 race car’s rear wing, which offers up to 550 pounds of press at 180 MPH.




Well all that needs to happen now is RBG and Breyer both kick off before 2021 and the GOP will be able to achieve a 7-2 SCOTUS majority that will probably keep them in power until many of us in here are dead. Just like they hoped they would accomplish by voting Trump despite any reservations.

Its frustrating to be sure, but towing these trucks out of the way is just going to result in violence. The kind of bro-truck, redneck mentality that leads to them ICE-ing, comes with a hearty helping of macho posturing as well. 

Redneck meth heads are a real thing. And dangerous as fuck. (and quite honestly should be shot on sight as the rabid animals they are)