Ya’ll think Meghan got a fucked up thyroid or nah?
Ya’ll think Meghan got a fucked up thyroid or nah?
As a closet Alabama fan, (University of Alabama-Huntsville alumni), I think the Crimson Tide came out ahead on this one.
Hot take: Don’t antagonize people.
I will gladly vote for Elizabeth Warren, but what scares me the most is the violence and misogyny that Trump’s demographic feeds on and how her being seen as ‘Hillary 2.0' plays into their narrative so well.
It was also a gigantic piece of shit that was under powered and ate cylinder head gaskets. There are no redeeming qualities to that motor.
I know packaging would of been nearly impossible for all the different platforms, but I really wish GM had dropped the Vortec 4.3 for this engine. So many of their old regular cab full-size trucks have the 4.3 and it’s kind of a turn-off for a cheap truck, but if they came with this, it would be a total non-issue.
Zone of the Enders 3.
Hell is real and we are living in it every day.
Carrie Underwood is trash of the whitest variety.
Seriously, who gives a shit? I’d rather my kid vape then pick up binge drinking in high school that devolves into alcoholism by his junior year at University that makes him drop out because he can’t get a business degree. Or get busted with weed that gets him a criminal record. Then there’s medication to help with…
Cars aren’t people.
This is what I imagine Santorum from an ass-hole would sound like.
I hope to God that a new PP2 can at least pace a 5th generation 1LE Camaro when it’s only .6 seconds off the GT500 from the 2013 Lightning Lap Competition.
The 1LE has a few perks going for it. The trans/diff fluid coolers are a big plus and would be very expensive to setup in a new Mustang, which this car doesn’t come with. The Camaro also has the Tremec over the Mustang’s MT-82, weighs a little bit less, has a little bit better brakes and includes forged wheels. To get…
My guess is to not over-saturate the market with too many OEM special edition trims and risk hurting the GT350 or GT500 nameplate.
It’s worth noting you can easily find new GTs for under 33-35k at any Ford dealership. It’s all the trim packages that can drive the price up to 50k..
I don’t really have anything inflammatory to say about these bikes. If HD can get their act together and put out more bikes that more people will buy, that’s good for the American motorcycle scene.
It is crazy to think you can spend 35k on a Mustang GT or a Camaro SS and have as much horsepower as what was considered exotic 20-25 years ago.
I actually have a Danny perspective when I’m stressed out, like he’s right there trying to convince me to not be so stressed out about something.
What’s the probability that Trump would of aborted Barron-fetus if he had the chance?