mandy's mimosaaaaaa

If I played a space marine in Star Ship Troopers and saw how popular Halo got a couple of years later, I too would be mad as hell.

Unless she holds the copyright image to 'dull, brunette twenty-something' then I don't see why she is so upset.

So did anyone else immediately think of Elijah Wood and Wilfred?

I hate that he lost his job, but then again he was responsible for some very expensive cars and he was acting in a manner similar to a teenager working at a retail job. He really didn't leave his supervisors much choice by putting these videos on YouTube and they have to keep their inventory their number one priority.

I am going to engineering school.

Agreed, I thought it was one of the fake deer used by hunters for target practice strapped to the top of the vehicle.

My heart skipped a beat when I saw it resembles the original PS2. Those were such good times, 2000/2001. The console had such a radical look compared to everything else and the future looked so bright back then. Games like SSX, ZOE, The Bouncer, GT3 and the MGS2 demo were really effective at showing off the console's

There's two types of people out there: those who slow down after they under steer through a corner and pick a more relaxed pace, and those that seem to think you can just power through it somehow the next time, which usually doesn't end well.

At least the guy's okay, though.

What do people think of the 1989 Camaro conecpt car versus the actual production 4th generation car?

Maybe it's cheaper to hide the exhaust pipe behind the bumper than try and glitz it up with a fake chrome bolt on tip.

Have we done a Fu Manchu recommendation, yet? It's about time if we haven't.

I'm not sure because Yoshinari had taken on a 600cc Supersport seat with Tyco and I'm not sure if Guy Martin is racing that class and the senior TT class this year at the IOM TT. They were both on the same squad, but I don't know if they were racing in the same classes.

Thanks dude; I really appreciate your input.

I just think it's tragic that someone everybody in the paddocks said was a genuinely nice person and enthusiastic about road racing was killed, especially because Yoshinari was so excited to take on a sponsored ride according to the press releases in the class he was racing in. I want to say the Tyco squad is factory

What makes it even more sad is that Yohinari had just accepted a position with Tyco Suzuki to race in the Isle of Man. It really is heart breaking because the man seemed to have a genuine passion for road racing.

I remember how impressed I was with the ending of Star Fox. It really blew me away as an 8 year old kid.

Likewise, mate.

Maybe it was a setup issue, but the dyno equipment didn't look very robust and considering how GT500s make tons of horsepower as easily as engineering professors make nightmares, this result looked likely from the get go.

The Mustang would make for a decent daily driver, but it's not really a good 'replica'. Being a standard GT model, with an automatic, and not having the correct wheels is about like saying your other GT is a Bullit just because its green.