
It doesn’t hurt that it looks like a knockoff of the Aliens Pulse Rifle.

Now that is awesome. Thanks for the info. :)

Can you stay in the car and use the A/C while charging or do you have to turn everything off? I ask because its damn hot in the south and I know not every charging station will be right next to a convenient place to sit and relax in the cool while waiting, but if you can just whip out a novel to read or browse the web

This is what I always think of when I see that now-infamous video of the guy trying to drift the BMW E30 around a parking lot light pole and driving straight into it.

I’m not sure what these usually run for, but based on price alone my gut tells me you got a really awesome deal when you bought it, and the person that bought it from you after you finished the work also got a good deal. My dad had a 1973 TR6 that he paid $4k for back in 1997. It looked a hell of a lot worse than this

Pooyan is the name you are looking for. I myself miss Rescue Raiders.

FYI, it will eat aluminum. I typically spray the engine with a mist attachment, then apply simple green, only let it sit for a few minutes, then rinse it off thoroughly.

That one is for the buyer’s penis. That is why it is smaller than the other two.

I purchased a 1997 Prelude Type SH after driving both it and a GSR. The Prelude was just as fun to drive when the road was empty but a hell of a lot more comfortable and less frustrating in traffic because of the extra torque.

Considering the fate of the Earth in the end, it seems to me to be heavily implied that he made the WRONG choices... at least one major one anyway. But I guess it is possible the Typhon showed up afterwards some other way. There are a lot of unanswered questions, first and foremost being whether Morgan (the real one)

This game has so many options. I didn’t “make” the turrets. Instead there is a new turret stored in one of the cages in the room where they want you to place the turrets, and I found and fixed two more in the previous cargo hold area and carried them up in there. Presto, three turrets just like they wanted. Everything

“Low rolling resistance” is a nice marketing term for “low grip”.

Given up on diesel looks like yes, but given up on cheating? Remains to be seen.

Yeah. It seems to me a lot of times the fines that corps have to pay in verdicts and especially in settlements are low enough to make it economical for them to continue whatever bad behavior it was that prompted the court case in the first place. Or to put it another way: Cost of doing business.

Check out the Elecom. It has a few buttons and also an extra button that switches between dpis when you press it, as well as a switch that changes the the two DPIs that the button toggles between for a total of 4 different DPI settings.

They aren’t nearly as good as they used to be in my experience. I’ve used a Logitech Trackman for over 20 years now. The first one (PS2) lasted almost a decade, the second probably around 5 years. The last three had issues, the last two of them in the same year! The buttons keep breaking and either don’t register a

Agreed on liking the 3d navigation but the transitions being too slow... I wish there was a way to keep them and just make them much faster. Fixing the first few seconds and the last few would help a lot.

It’s quite the opposite. You keep furiously picking up and slamming down your mouse like a damn caveman to turn around while I effortlessly and comfortably spin my trackball with the flick of my thumb. :p

Use Opera if you want to pretend like you give a damn about your ISP seeing your web surfing activity.

Ok, that sounds much better.