
Agreed. And losing him and Philip Seymour Hoffman around the same time was just the worst.

God I miss Mr. Gandolfini. Incidentally we went to the same college. He a singular talent.

“PC/progressive nazis who want nothing more than to virtue signal and shame anyone who doesn’t use the perfect terminology or who doesn’t adhere 100% to progressive ideology and the woke words du jour. “

Yes. While anything can be taken too far and be bad*, almost every time I’ve seen language and terms be an issue it’s more on the lines of “hey, that’s not cool/polite. Use this term instead.” It’s not an attempt to shut anyone down or to police them, it’s a request for civil and polite discourse.

Maybe don’t use the term “progressive nazis” when actual nazi nazis have made a real comeback. 

If your comment was a person:

It certainly is high praise.

I’m just not sure that there are enough armed cops at that obviously volatile event.

YES. Why are these celebrities feeling the need to snarkily chime in on this via social media? You may not have actually bribed a person to get your kid into Harvard, but HOW do you not see the correlation between everything your $$ has afforded your daughter throughout her life...all of your contacts and ability to

I’d be worried it was actually John Travolta the whole time. 

Yes, I’ve taken acid before. Wait...was that the question? 

Impolite bordering on dangerous... there are a lot of adjectives that come in-between those two words. Unless you need to justify that your lizard brain goes straight from annoyed to violent. 


Maybe she's half Vulcan.

I love all the comments that know a cute German folk song... And I’m sitting here going ‘do Rammstein lyrics count?’

I love that more than a few of the comments here are from those of us who clearly learned only one German song from our Oma. 

melden Sie mich an!

For our 5th anniversary, I gave Mrs. Baka a diamond pendant. That diamond came from a divorced friend’s engagement ring, and I couldn’t have afforded a “new” diamond at the time. Mrs. Baka loved it, and we figured all the bad luck had been used up in the divorce, making the diamond just fine for us. 22 years later,

I’d climb him like a damn tree. 

Every once in a while I am reminded of my eternal Keanu crush, and this story of riding in a bus to LA only reinforces things. Every GD story I hear about him is so nice. I miss nice. *sigh*