
I have absolutely no horse in this redhead race, I just wanted to say that this was such a delicious, salty, cathartic comment to read. It’s the equivalent of a cat pushing shit off a counter and then hissing at unruly children (and fake redheads!). Thank you. 

Because grown men can’t enjoy adult women’s vaginas, and they all actually long to be shagging some tight teen pussy? What a gross fucking thing to say.

Doctors in the UK avoid a loosely worded prohibition like this quite simply: the official position of the BMA is that pregnancy endangers women’s life and therefore constitutes its own justification for abortion.

Oh, but vehicles still exist, right? After Roe falls, all a woman from Mobile, Alabama will have to do is get into a car and drive to Florida...oh, no, okay, how about Tennessee...hmm, no...Mississippi...?

Lol, what? What planet are you living on? Maybe it’s because I work with indigent people in criminal defense every day, but I’m painfully aware of how huge a barrier ‘driving across a state’ is to a lot of people in this country. Plenty of women will lack a vehicle, or friends/family with a vehicle, or people they can

I’m not sure what your point is? Things could be worse, and things are going to get worse.

Every unwanted pregnancy endangers the life of the mother - it endangers her physical health and her mental state. What happens to the women who are driven to suicide when made to carry a rapists’ baby?! Would that not be a perfectly legal reason to save the life of the woman, and end the pregnancy?!

Not just Alabama. Punish the Murdochs. Boycott the Murdoch empire (Fox News, the NY post etc) it’s Rupert Murdoch who has enabled this and it is likely one of the junior Murdoch’s who can end it (not Lachlan, he is an asshole). Boycott fox and fox advertisers for long enough, they will cave and that carries all of

It’s the Alabama law in this article that has been made literally just to challenge Roe vs. Wade. You act like you are a thoughtful person trying to see both sides, but really you just don’t know your ass from a hole in the ground.

Pro-choice IS the two sides. Have an abortion or don’t. That’s your choice, like every

Am I alone, or are other post-abortion women also feeling triggered right now? My anxiety level is at a 10.

“Hillary and Trump are basically the same. Maybe we need the shock of someone like Trump to really wake people up!”

I feel there is a chance abortion could become illegal.

No point calling mine. Hi, Missouri! Here’s all my middle fingers. All of them. And I’ll conscript some middle fingers for you especially, Rep Moon. You’re not my rep, and you don’t know me, but I haaaaaaaate you.

Given that SCOTUS just overruled Nevada v. Hall — sans precedent, sans any Constitutional citation — it looks less like a chance and more like an inevitability. Even given a massive blue wave in 2020, the infrastructure is already set, the guillotine is already in place.

Burn bibles to ashes!!!!!!!

Are you still going to be “both sides” ing this issue when they start arresting women who have miscarriages? I mean....if you view it from the ultimate “pro-life” standpoint, it’s likely that the woman did something wrong to cause the miscarriage. So....charge her with murder.

This technically makes most forms of birth control illegal as well.

Somehow my post got published without my even knowing it and before I could finish my thought. I meant to say that if challenges to any of these laws end up in front of SCOTUS, we may be waving goodbye to Roe v. Wade, given the current makeup of the court.

I would say that this is a fucking waste of time and taxes, but given how the Supreme Court is stacked, I feel there is a chance abortion could become illegal. This is not a drill. All hands on deck! We really need to step up our game and make sure bills like these do not become law. Contact your local politicians and