
Indeed. Like any drug it can have some nasty, ugly side effects.

If you are an adult and leave something behind at your parents’ house without an explicit agreement that they’ll store it for you indefinitely, you can’t be mad if they end up throwing it away. Their house is not your storage locker and if you really cared about your possessions, you’d have brought them with you or

My friend broke up with a guy who really WAS about to propose. After she found that out, she was still having little wistful/guilty moments for months after. I was like, babe, remember how you dumped him because he was crazy? Bullet fucking dodged.

I broke up with a guy that responded by saying he was just about to propose. He said he had the ring in his pocket. You can keep it, sir!

Uh huh.  Broke up with her juuuuuuust before she was going to see him in person.  And he was going to PROPOSE.  Sure.  He’s a normal person.

I’m so confused. Why would his friend writing a book about a woman (?) be something for her to get angry about in the first place? I feel like there’s a huge chunk missing, here.

People are strange, particularly when you’re a stranger.

I just love that it's his esthetic, not a choice, not a controllable situation; simply his existence.

He’s a Scot - there's a reason he looks like that.

In fairness, regarding the pen, noone told him it would be like that.

I’m at the NBC studio store in New York. It’s maybe 1999? My favorite cousin was a HUGE Friends fan. I barely know Friends myself (I didn’t even own a TV at the time, because of being poor). So I went there to buy her some merch. I chose this giant Friends Central Perk latte mug. Seemed like a fun gift!

I’m leaving the

Those shots were so harsh, I think it was straight Jack Daniels or something... also, look how he’s holding my arm in the bottom right photo, and at no point in time did he ever even once put his hand on my ass! AND I HAVE A NICE ASS! Rock in Power, Lemmy.

PAY ATTENTION TO MEEEEeEEeee ooh look, it appears un-gray... stand by, let’s see if this works.

I went to an SF convention that featured Harlan Ellison when I was in college. I’m shy to begin with; couple that with a nice dose of social anxiety, a soupcon of hero worship, and a hint of a nervous stammer, and you can imagine the results. Ellison was not a man noted for suffering fools at all, let alone gladly, so

A few years ago, a group of friends and I were in line at our local theater in Burbank, CA waiting for Hellboy 2. This was before reserved seating in theaters was a thing, so we had arrived early and were first in line waiting outside the theater, killing time til they let us in.
One of my friends looks over to the

This isn’t really a Hollywood one, but interesting enough. I’ll try to do this without doxxing so I won’t include dates.

Not much of encounters but certainly random..

I’m on team tall friend here. If two consenting humans wanna hook up, people should be happy for them.

Oh I have a few!

This story reminds you that conservatives are just awful people all around.