
Oh, calm down. It does not hurt you if I have beliefs. You’re why atheists get a bad name. And that’s coming from my atheist partner.

Busy Phillips did it first. Her first kids name is Birdie (Leigh though, not Mae). Her second kids name is Cricket. Cute right? Birdie and Cricket.

I can’t brain today, apparently I have the dumb.  Thanks for the help, it’s appreciated.

I do too. Plus, thank jeebus she finally gave birth. I am in agreement with the feeling that she has been pregnant for 147 years. A 10 lb. baby proves the point that she was overdone. JeebusSpeed Jessica - and let hubby get his junk cut if you think you are finally done. You passed a large watermelon through your

I enjoy how one of the articles promoted in the banner is about Monica Lewinsky on Last Week Tonight, talking about how painful the media pile-on was when she was a young woman.  And then it seems like every other subsequent article is a pile-on of Olivia Jade, Paris Jackson, ect. Good stuff, great self-awareness

I’m sorry you have to go through that, Tiffany.  It’s not fair, but at least you had the sense to distance yourself from the family and that horrible person.

Y’know what? Say what you will about Goop being an insufferable, entitled whatever, but words have power and I can totally get how rebranding divorce can help both parties (and their kids, depending on age) remember and embrace their goal to be as civil and kind to each other as possible. Yes, it sounds like some

So, a Trump loving guy just happens to kill a mafia crime boss while Trump has allegedly been nefariously involved with the mafia doing shady deals with them for decades all while the Mueller investigation is digging into Trump Organization business dealings.

He was her *boss*. That’s sexual harassment.

no it’s not.
Consenting adults, the blame for the marriage part goes 100% to the one that is married and cheating.
I’d allow a small % of the blame to go to the cheated on, because sometimes they brought it on themselves, but the lover did not take a vow to any magical being in the sky or even a city official.

The more

The only part that’s wrong about what she did is how everyone treated her for it.
She wasn’t the married, elected, oath-breaking one. She just banged her boss. 

I’d argue that there is very little wrong with what he did either (the doing it part. The lying was wrong ^^) but there is definitely nothing wrong with what

Lindy WEST. Annie EASTon. I see what they did there!

Khloe: So you’re telling me, I can’t count on a man who abandoned his pregnant fiance and only sees his son on Christmas to be a doting father to my child? That’s what you’re telling me?

Oh god. I teared up reading that right now. I bought the audio book a while back and it’s time for another listen.

You’ll love it. It’s funny and sad and powerful and very, very savvy. If you already know and love her voice, then the book will feel like it was written specifically for you, or at least that’s how I felt.

He’s not Dan Savage. But he’s also not not Dan Savage. 

I first came to Jezebel to follow Lindy West after she left The Stranger (Seattle’s Alt-Weekly). I finally bought a copy of Shrill, I haven’t cracked it yet but I guess I better get going so I can watch this.

I wish the media would pay greater attention to the fact that the Jackson family were Jehovah’s Witnesses. After all, the JWs are a twisted, patriarchal cult that has a history of covering up child abuse. I think it would be illuminating to see the Jackson family’s sordid past discussed within that particular