
What’s most telling is that R. Kelly was present when those women were being interviewed and would cough at points to, ostensibly, remind them that he was there.

Good for Prince William for working on it! (Side note: I followed the link and would argue this characterization is unfair, sounds like he’s trying to get better, not just playing incompetent dad.)

“Like many victims, I felt like the system was raping me all over again.”

My mom did the same. She would make up her own lyrics to the tune of popular songs and shame the shit out of us. I hated it at the time, but it most definitely worked and I’d be lying if I said I don’t do the exact same fucking thing to my kid. The only difference is I warn mine with a quiet ‘remember, if you act

Right? When I am stuck on a flight and some baby is crying nearby (or even if one is just there) and some parent does the whole “I’m sorry” I make a point to actually just say “I don’t care. It’s a baby. We will all live. Have a nice flight.”

I traveled internationally with an infant three times in three months (about 72 hours of travel, in total).

Your mom is a genius and I am gonna try that out!

I wouldn’t offer to hold someone else’s kid but I do play with them or distract them. One baby started to cry next to me and her mom tensed up and apologized. I told her it was fine, babies cry when we’re descending. Then I fanned the pages of my book at the baby who then laughed like a loon and grabbed my book and

I was on a relatively short flight (around 4 hours) once and there was a baby at the front of the plane pretty much screaming the entire flight. The parents were doing all they could to calm the child, even the flight attendants pitched in to try and help, but nothing was working. That entire flight I just felt bad

You sound like you’re doing it right! I have tolerance of kids being annoying until they’re about 6, but if you as a parent are saying “what can you do? kids gonna kid” that’s just lazy.

You sound like a screaming baby yourself. Grow up.

You’re entitled to a seat. That’s all you get. You aren’t entitled to police your fellow passengers or pick and choose who else gets on the plane.

I am also entitle to not have to listen to your child scream the entire flight.

That tweet left out the best part of the photo—Antoni from Queer Eye:

Congrats to you too! And solidarity on zombie like sleep deprivation!

Yuuuuuup! Lactation consultant showed me tricks for waking him up but it was way easier at the cold doctor's office than snuggled up at home!

Yeah he is for sure doing some of that. We can get him to take a pacifier sometimes, but he has a hard time keeping it in his mouth. Pediatrician already gave us a hard time about using the pacifier and possibly missing/ignoring hunger cues. I was like...lady, I have a busted nipple and a ravenous beast to deal with

Yup... he demands sustenance 10x a day and takes close to 45 minutes each time (some burp time included) soooo 450 min = 7.5 hours O_O

He has such a good little face!!! 

I need you all to know that it’s snowing in New York and I’m in a tropical paradise in Puerto Rico for a long weekend by myself because #treatyoself.  Splurged in a great hotel, got upgraded at check-in, watched sunset on the beach with a mojito, currently on a date with myself at a fancy restaurant. Once you get