
Is there some reason every whiny Trumphumping dipshit who staggers in here with their intellectual pants around their ankles is too illiterate to notice that the fraud is the one who brought up the Trump comparison, not the reporter?

Comparing a dangerous fraud to another dangerous fraud is not the reach you desperately want to pretend it is.

It’s not the media’s fault that a fraud exists, it’s the person who’s committing fraud. You are literally saying this on a media expose of the dude.

[person pretends to be a doctor, gives dangerous medical “advice,” might be getting people killed]

Literally the paragraph before the one that had you farting out this simpering complaint:

I felt bad for Dan Savage, as he cares about getting his facts right, and the last thing he’d want to do is pass along bogus information that people might act on. My guess is he’s going to write something about this that’s worth reading, though.

I mean, it was revealed this week, in financial statements, that Trump inflated his business accomplishments to attempt to buy the Bills and deflated them to avoid taxes. That’s an objectively true statement. The rest of your drivel is just the ramblings of someone who can’t handle the fact that their god-emperor has

1. This guy is a piece of work.

Wait...someone described Michael Cohen as a man “with no reason to lie or obfuscate”, and Don Jr. retweeted it? How are these people so fucking bad at this?

1) He never had bone spurs

Take away the money and this could all be on COPS.

I proudly carry my baby weight and am in no hurry to lose it. Good thing because my baby turns 20 next month. 

It seems to me that it’s less about *this* is normal and it’s more about *here are a lot of things and they are all just fine*. Just being able to see your body shape, size, color out there in the wild is affirming, whether or not it’s qualified at all. 

So glad I already feel like my (post-35, post-pregnancy) body is so “normal” - no, scratch that, miraculous and amazing and awe-inspiring - that I don’t need aggressively capitalistic ad campaigns to “normalize” it for me. When I was younger my body very closely fit the social ideal, but my self-esteem was in the

I wish we had campaigns like this 20 years ago when I had my son. I was a young mom who was ashamed of my body and its stretch marks. I hid in matronly bathing suits and bermuda shorts no matter how thin I was because I thought no one wanted to see my mom body. I have more body confidence at 40 than I ever had at 25.

How many kids have you adopted?

This reminds me of a photo project someone did of taking photos of mothers very soon after birth. Let me see if I can go find it:

While I understand your point and agree that a deeper systemic change is needed rather than ‘normalising, brutally honest’ photos to advertise nappies or whatever, I am not ashamed to say that I saw these photos today and felt validated. I’m two years past ‘post-birth’ and as someone who was slim prior to my baby, it

I don ‘t know what to suggest or do.  But I do have two family members who basically … avoided swimming, avoided anything their body would be seen, and had serious intimacy problems with their partners post baby because they could never feel comfortable with heavy stretch marks/loose skin.  I find those things are