
I mean, as Jewel said: “As a feminist, I can’t support everything that’s being said tonight, but as somebody who hates Ann Coulter, I’m delighted.”

I was REALLY skeeved by a supercut of all the “sick burns” that were thrown at her during the roast. It was all sexist bullshit making fun of her’S SO MUCH MATERIAL THERE, WHY GO FOR THE SEXIST HACK JOKES?!?! I know we all hate her, but it doesn’t make that shit ok.

Except that it’s meant to elevate statutory rape to those other crimes, so that assholes can’t get away with using “well she really wanted it” as a defense for having sex with minors.

Unlike that CUTIEPIE this is me:

Oooh or lipstick for the day when you are cleaning the house top to bottom. (I can’t be the only person that will put a kid’s Cinderella tiara on and scrub toilets....)

Seriously. I would be so sad if Weezy retired. His lyrics have such an exuberance about them and his voice always sounds like it’s barely containing a giggle to me. I do hope he takes better care of his health though. :(

Katy Perry got me Google image searching yarn braids and I found this picture. I need that lipstick! Where are you, milihelen, to advise me on my lipstick needs?!

Wayne’s lyrics are epic. Few equal his wordplay. It would be a shame for him to retire just because that ass whole release him from his contract.

I need Wayne to get out this contract and Birdman needs pimp slapping. He’s so gross. Why Toni Braxton is doing that to herself is beyond me. Girl no. Ew Birdman.

I...don’t know how to feel about this. When I was like 5, maybe?, and my parents were divorced my dad would often take me to a hotel for his visitation because he lived in a different town and I thought it was fancy to stay in a hotel. At least once that I know of my dad had sex with a woman in the hotel room with me

My rapist admitted it to police the night of, he didn’t call it rape but admitted I couldn’t consent. I went to the hospital that night and documented all my injuries. He admitted to me in a text that he would plead guilty if I ever pressed charges. That wasn't enough for a Hennepin County prosecutor. I wonder if it's

I feel like she is genuinely saying all of these things from a place of love and not in a humblebrag way whatsoever. Seriously. She just seems like one of the best humans to ever grace this earth.

i’ll freely admit i didnt see any of that, but i’m assuming the headlines went something along the lines of:

Can’t say I blame Matt for blocking that woman.

It is known.

Oh for fuck’s sake. Prosecutors don’t look for truth, they look for convictions.

I gasped. I forget that 15 is still a child. I’m trying to picture a girl TWO YEARS YOUNGER than this girl, being grilled on the stand by the defense.

Perhaps. I’m an emotional wreck right now. He was an absolute genius and a treasure.