
Yay! So happy kinja is stayin’! Thanks Anna!

Welcome to my business!

Yeah the guys were either depressingly out of touch or just super creepy and I rarely saw anything redeeming about the match ups. The one female millionaire I remember ended up picking the guy who just wanted her to buy him a Maserati and openly said he didn’t think she was attractive or interesting.

I’m too late but....BRENDA WORE IT BETTER!!!

Insanity that not having health insurance can have that kind of impact. Universal health care, USA. Seriously. Get it.

I paid attention to you (thanx for the lolz bro). Hope you can have a better day now!

Rita is looking good, too. That pic makes me happy.

Samesies! My mom has massive curly hair, and though I have a toned down version of her epic mop, we fully subscribe to ‘ higher the hair, the closer to god’ when it comes to styling. Why fight nature whem you can harness it’s awesome powers!

Thanks for the advice. I’m not quite sure how to handle the situation because she’s my dad’s girlfriend. I get the feeling she’s a bit sensitive so I’m not even sure if I could say “I’m really not in the mood to discuss my diet right now” without offending her. And giving her short but still polite answers just

Preach! The only time I care about what you are eating is when it is pie and you want to share it with me. (Seriously, EDs suck and they stick around and good on you for taking care of yourself.)

No sugar and straight hair?

My hope is that Dog will live on under the roof of The Slot or Deadspin. Gawker the site might have been put down, but Dog must remain, always.

Dog didn't even say goodbye.

Right? Most dudes love my curls, husband included. In fact, if a guy asked me to straighten, that was a cue to DTMF. I was always amused by the fact that she hated both curly and red hair. As if guys dislike redheads?

That’s so fucking annoying, getting a targeted ad and realizing you actually have some interest in it. It freaks me out a little!

I can’t be the only one who read the second name in that management firm as “Manstain.”

Yeah like... I wanted to hate that news but honestly Tyra is probably one of the best people to lecture on personal branding. The Kardashians would be ideal but Tyra is a good choice.

I only watched one episode of “Millionaire Matchmaker”. I ended up yelling so loudly at the television*, I was afraid I liquefied my brain. That is a nice photo, though. Yay?

He does not look happy and he looks this way all the time now. I’ve never been a fan really and I drag him routinely, but for today I’m concerned.

I don’t ask for much.