
I speculated about them the other day as they are currently filming a movie together....but then I heard someone suggest Angelica Huston and now I really, really, reaaalllly want that to be true. She fits the super famous label more than Diane! Anyway, while Liam Neeson has that sort of rare quality where he seems

Rumor has it Liam may be dating Diane Lane. I approve if that’s true.

Harsh but in the end fair.

And maybe him and Barack can team up and slow jam the news on Jimmy Fallon? Because.... Counrty win.

People have different personalities, though. No need to compare women. It’s ok for people—-especially women—-to be tough and no nonsense. I don’t think Judge Judy is mean. If you answer the questions you are asked in a straightforward manner and aren’t obviously making things up she’s pretty chill.

And he’s wrong about my ability to confuse the Cong with my slippery circular reasoning. I totally used it to talk my way out a POW camp in ‘68.

With an ear necklace no less.

Right, because women CHOSE non combat roles! The brass was champing at the bit to have women on the front lines, but the greedy bitches stayed behind the lines and ate bonbons.

I’ve decided this is a troll, they can’t decide who fought in Vietnam and are bringing up feminists who are long dead as examples for feminists who didn’t fight to be drafted.

Eleanor Roosevelt advocated women’s service during the war - WACS, WAVES, the other auxiliary groups, nursing, factory work... Again, women did vital work and you’re dismissing it.

So, you’re saying feminists support equality in the draft? Yes, I would think so, generally.

I’m really not sure what my fitness for jungle warfare has to do with the issue at hand. Didn’t you say your father’s friends died in Vietnam? Now, you say you fought alongside them?

Women have provided vital services in every conflict in US history. Nurses, administrators, spies, soldiers, home front labor, etc. Plenty of women volunteered for service in Vietnam and served with honor and distinction. Don’t you dare denigrate service just because it doesn’t involve gunz’n’bomz.

The U.S. lost. North Vietnam/Viet Cong won. That’s just historical fact. And feminists have never objected to equal treatment in this area. Do you have any examples of feminists arguing that men should be drafted and women shouldn’t? No, no you do not.

Which we can use to fight the enemy.

I wonder if having more women around would cut down on some of the atmosphere of machismo that breeds rape culture?

No one was. However, the largest feminist organization in the US, NOW has been arguing for equal treatment in selective service since the seventies.

This is precisely why women can’t be SEALs. Their periods put the whole team at risk for a shark attack!

They're going to attract bears!

Just what we need, women menstruating all over our nice battlefields.