
... I’ll be in my bunk.

Remember this cover? I’m a straight chick but this gave me the feels

And it's just the most adorably polite tone.

In a similar but unrelated note, I now bump into men who walk right into my path instead of moving to the side as we pass on narrow sidewalks.

true. i always have loved the line from mean girls: “you’ve GOT to stop calling each other sluts and whores! that just makes it OK for guys to call you sluts and whores!”

This is simplistic, no doubt, but she’s still right about the value of letting go of other people’s judgments. And I really like what she said in another Time piece that they link to in this one:

Before you judge someone—especially another woman—put yourself in her shoes and also look at your past.

There may have been a time where you looked back and said, “I probably shouldn’t have done that.” Does that make you a ho? No, it makes you a human.

I initially read that as “kinky Jew”, and thought to myself: “well of course a 99-year old woman in Miami would find a kinky Jew on her chest, it’s probably her husband”.

Don’t you dare show yourself out! This is home! We are your people!

And I don’t know how to make this more clear, you’ve posted comment after comment touting the “justice system” as the ONLY AVENUE for rape victims when you know very well that it is next to useless (only 5% of rapists ever spend one minute in jail). And you do so, even though you’ve not given one minute of thought to

What a complete cop out. And so very telling. Your complete apathy towards rape victims is duly noted.

Every story that comes out will have another one (in all walks of life) who recognizes that something similar happened to her. Maybe this will start to open the floodgates and women will not longer allow themselves to be silenced or to feel like they are the only one.

A lot of it is people saying they are making it up and just want attention (uh, it’s anonymous) or why didn’t they go to the police (yeah because that ALWAYS works out well...) I work in the music industry. I was assaulted by that PR ass hat who’s name’s name doesn’t even deserved to be typed. Talking to other women

If men invested the same amount of energy combating rape and rape culture as they do into protecting accused rapists, abusers, wife beaters, and gaslighting women, and wildly conflating the amount of false rape accusations, the world would be such a wonderful place. But I’m a dreamer.

Of course it is. Let me guess, trolls have a first amendment right to send rape and death threats to ANY woman online, but women online don’t have a right to speak out about abuse they have suffered without “due process”.

The troll game is going strong in the greys.

The music industry is the WORST. Not just for women but for young men too. I know at least two aspiring male rappers/rnb artists that have either been coerced into sex with a male in a position of power in the industry or were told they’d have to get on their knees or bend over to get a deal. Lil Wayne isn’t the

Oh no, won’t all the lying women lie just to tarnish men’s reputations?