
Thank you. This drives me nuts. The other thing that drives me nuts is people who say “there is no evidence!!” when there has been sworn testimony in a court of law. Testimony IS evidence. Evidence does not always equal “something found by the CSI unit.”

This is a pet peeve of mine. Circumstantial evidence is indeed evidence in the eyes of the law. Here’s a model jury instruction from the Ninth Circuit, but such an instruction is pretty much par for the course all over the place.

Sometimes I am amazed that people hire me to represent them in court, and that when I stand up in front of the judge, he or she listens to what I have to say and occasionally even rules in my favor. Then I go home and eat a bowl of Cinnamon Life for dinner.

Not to drag this convo out one more post, but I just thought of another good reason to hang out with old people. They usually have the best booze. So booze and knowledge. Old people are the best!

my parents are engineers, so they were doing inspection when we were looking at the place for 1st time. I agree with you.

My dad has probably bought 6 cars in his life, I have bought zero (well now, one). What’s the point of hanging out with old people if you can’t harvest their expertise!

I was thinking about that the other day. Seriously, shouldn’t you feel different from one part of your life to another? I don’t know, like more mature or whatever that means? Because I really, really do not. I wake up some days feeling pretty much the same way I did as a twenty something or even as a teen.

When I was 34 I took both of my parents with me to buy a new car. I knew everyone thought they were bankrolling me. They weren’t. I’m financially solvent, just emotionally bankrupt.

Kelsey Grammar is adamantly prolife. Therefore, he couldn’t give a rat’s ass what happens to his children past the fetus stage.

At least he’s on-brand: anti-choice/abortion while also ignoring living children THAT HE CHOSE TO BRING INTO THE WORLD. Sounds about right.

They never come. How could anyone have let me grow up and be responsible for things? This was not a good idea.

Oh yes, totally waiting for the adults to show up. I panic when I realize that I’m the adult in certain situations.

I kinda get what Katie is saying. I am early 40s, and I still wonder when the adults are going to show up and help me out with life stuff.

So when does Stoya start raking in all that sweet, sweet, rape accuser money I keep hearing so much about?

It’s interesting to me that R Kelly thinks he broke the cycle of abuse because he didn’t replicate the abuse he suffered to a T. Because he doesn’t abuse 8 year old boys, he doesn’t consider himself an abuser. I imagine this is part of the compartmentalizing that victims/future abusers do to survive their abuse and

Damn right she should keep the kids away from this CHILD RAPIST. UGHHHHH it feels like Monday plus barf.

A five year old. Nameless and owned. We should all weep over that.

A lot of times victim-blaming is the person doing the blaming having serious psychological issues with handling how chaotic and unfair life is and always has been... so if you can just convince yourself that things like this can never happen, or if they do it’s the victim’s fault (at least partially), then you feel

I’m going to make a tshirt that says “This Slut Right Here Is Catching Dick Left and Right” and wear it under all my clothes.

Dear Entire Town of Dearborn, Kansas,