
Kudos on picture choice. He has a textbook smug asshole expression here. Plus, he has his gross boots on the damn couch.

Also: Lace up your boots, dick. You get no slack if you’re going to be an asshole. And get your fucking feet off the couch.

All the stars for “free space in rape apology bingo”.

Given that you can’t impregnate someone with oral copulation or sexual penetration by a foreign object, I’d say he’s getting off pretty lightly.

Especially since the assistant is employed by Beyonce to do exactly what she is doing. Couldn’t you gently touch her arm/shoulder and say “Thank you, [name], that’s perfect.” I mean, it isn’t like the photographers are just going to stop taking pictures because an assistant is taking 30 seconds to do her job.

You are mistaken. My apartment didn’t come with a refrigerator or freezer.

Also, you’re a tool.

Many poor people work in the service industry and, instead of going to work from 7-5 every day, they work multiple jobs at less than 40 hours a week each (you know, so their employers don’t have to give them benefits). Even if they have a car, they’re spending a lot of extra time going from job to job to job, and

Oh god your comment is insufferable and I am 0% surprised to find you’re an attorney.

Actually, I said “meat and food,” if we’re being intellectually honest. Not that I’m going to get into a pissing match with you and grocery store receipt. Nor will I take offence to your kitchen gadget receipts (one luxury I did make for myself when I was piss-poor was in kitchen gear) or the chest freezer to store

what!? that is definitely not true where i live — the ratio of what fruit does for you (lots of sugar, very little protein) to how much it costs (well over $1/lb for apples!?) is DEFINITELY not favorable. i’m pretty comfortable with my income and even i rarely buy fruit.

You have space for a bread maker.

You have Sunday off? You don’t have a physical job either. I’m an attorney and have one LeCreuset dutch oven to use to braise my short ribs.

$40 of meat in a week! When I was at my poorest, I had $40 a month after I paid all of my bills. I lived on rice and beans, boxed meals and frozen foods. I had no car, and had to beg rides twice a month because the closest grocery store was 15 minutes away. That’s two grocery trips per month, so food had to last two

Maseca. Big bag of corn flour. Takes minutes to make tortillas (you can spend an hour doing a huge batch on the weekend) and you can make burritos, chips, tacos, whatever. Leave some beans and pork cooking while you’re done and you’ve got a few days of food.

I have to disagree with 130 hours a week combined being more than 90% of households. I live in a very low income area and most people around here put in 70 or more hours apiece, spread across two or three part-time jobs (the only kind available for the most part), which adds even more time in transit. I know several

You do realize you just bragged about your pressure cooker, bread maker, and storage availability, right? I’m not commenting on the inclusion of beef choices, because chicken is all most people affected in this thread can afford.

You do realize that lots of poor people work those schedules or worse right? Single Mom’s with 3 jobs envy your surplus of free time.

That’s really awesome that 2 professional, college-educated, middle-class people who live together have the time and where-withal to buy $120 in meat and food to cook in their $80 pressure cooker. Good for you, man!

That’s assuming everyone has a) a working oven, stove, and whatever other gadgets necessary to make everything, b) the storage space for meal planning, c) the consecutive time to make so much in one sitting, d) the access to the food in the first place, and e) the knowledge with which to do those things. My spouse is

They also often have to squeeze childcare into what little downtime they have, particularly if they’re single moms, who make up a very significant percentage of poor people. Cooking with your kids can be fun and educational, but if you’ve been on your feet at a cash register all day you’re going to want to pop a