
I just made basically the exact same comment to them. Forcing someone to have sex with you against their will, which is rape, is not the same as enthusiastically having sex with someone only to find out later that they lied to you. It’s a murky issue, but I’m not sure it should be called rape, and I’m not sure that it

Like I said to BabyGotFront, somewhere else on this thread, I’m still figuring out my feelings tbh. It *is* a fuzzy issue. When is consent not consent? When is consent only to certain things based on certain circumstances? Consent is contextual. I believe that, in the example you gave, the person doing the lying is a

I mean, to clarify, this is not something I am discussing purely in the abstract, there have been actual prosecutions for rape by deception. I’m also not saying that everyone who is deceived by a sexual partner is automatically the victim of rape or sexual assault (although I do think that if you trick someone into

No. The issue is not payment, it’s consent.

Really? “Rape by deception”? I think that is conceptually interesting but if some married man or woman slips off their wedding ring and pretends to be single to bed someone at a conference or something is he or she a rapist? It’s an interesting concept. I went rather far sexually with someone who pretended to be

I’m sorry wisht, I can’t get behind this. Rape by deception?! No. No no no.

It would not be rape if both parties consented to sex and then at the end, he simply did not pay. That would be theft. This woman clearly did not consent. The definition of rape does not change because of her vocation.

I would like to point out, though, that doctors actually have determined that suppressing periods has no negative consequences, while having more periods in a lifetime is definitely linked to negative consequences, like a higher cancer risk. So you’re right in that the effects are pretty much neutral for many women,

Choosing to not have your period doesn’t mean you body isn’t capable of getting pregnant, having babies, and breastfeeding. You can forego the period and still do all of those things. Whether a woman’s period is a 7 day blood bath or a 3 day drip, choosing to avoid it is perfectly fine and healthy. One need not think

Yep - 90% of that crap happened at church. And people wonder why I’m not religious anymore...

Ah, the beautiful memories of early development. I got chased home once by a car of 4 older teenage boys when I was 11 and walking home from school. Had to hide in bushes, crawl under fences and sneak through the backyards of houses before finding someone who was home and would drive me home. I usually hide my

If I went on BC today, I’d totally do an IUD. However, it’s not worth it for me to upset the hormonal fruit basket by switching methods right now. I don’t have a problem remembering to take the pill, so I’ll probably just end up on that until I hit menopause (I don’t want kids). It’s amazing how far the IUD has come

There is nothing “natural” about having a period every month. In pre-industrial societies, women were either pregnant or breastfeeding, which usually prevents menstruation for a number of months, for the majority of the time. I have gone years without periods through three pregnancies, 3 breastfeeding kids, and 3

I haven’t had a real period since I got pregnant in 2007. Is it weird not having a period? No. Do I miss it at all? No. Am I afraid I’m pregnant? No. Am I worried that things are getting all “blocked up” down there? (???) No.

So... could I feasibly just skip the placebo week and continue taking oral contraceptives through the month, and do exactly the same thing?

I remember being jealous of my twin sister because she hit puberty earlier than me and developed hips & breasts over the summer we were 10. I was so upset I didn’t get to go to special shopping sessions with my mom for ‘woman’ things.

So sorry, honey. PCOS sucks big-time.

I rarely say this about people. But she deserves all the bad karma that is heading her way right now. That video was so mean and vicious, it actually made me cry. I have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. And like so many women with the disease, I struggle with my weight. It’s like I woke up in a different body. I went from

My bf alerted me to this. He is a good boyfriend.

Dude, that’s somebody’s grandma. Be nice.