
Umm... So he might not be wrong. Problems can definitely be caused by not having the right balance of bacteria/microorganisms on your body. An old professor of mine, who used to work as a parasitologist, always warned us against using antibacterial hand soap so as not to upset the balance of bacteria on your skin.

I’ve been using it for several months and REALLY love it. I still get in the shower to use conditioner in my hair and rinse my body off. Then I get out and spray myself with it. My co-workers thought I was nuts, but then they a) realized I didn’t smell and b) my rosacea got loads better.

I’ve been using it for several months now. I still get in the shower but I don’t use soap. I had stopped using shampoo a long time ago (naturally curly hair). I have used soap sparingly, mostly when I’ve had to slather myself in sunscreen. But I have to say, I really love this stuff. My skin is much happier.

This assumes that I’m taking showers solely to get clean. Showers are great! Baths are great! Hot water and singing along to my favorite Whitney Houston jams and occasionally even drinking a beer—GREAT!

Thank you for sharing this.

This is incorrect advice. Opiates when given for post-surgical pain are safe, effective, often needed for rehab purposes, and unlikely to cause addiction. Oxycontin, when taken as prescribed, is less likely to cause addiction than random percocets, because it’s taken on a schedule, twice a day, and has a predictable

I’m sorry. Heroin is the definition of a Bad Idea.

Only it’s even more addictive than heroin, as well as much harder on the body. Not the best solution b

But not produced under controlled conditions that assure a consistent dose. Phillip Seymour Hoffman did not need to die.

I have no easy answers for you, but I hope you can find a way to come to grips with your demons. You have my respect and sympathy.

Former opiate addict here. Most people have problematic behavior, be it compulsive gambling, hoarding, abusing drugs,etc. as a response to physical, mental, and/or psychological problems.

Uh...I obviously don’t think it is. The “blah blah” was the clue.

And that is total bullshit. Possession and use should not be a crime. It definitely shouldn’t be something that destroys the rest of your life. When my brother was facing felony charges for two pot plants (he was able to plead it down to a misdemeanor and probation, with his record expunged after six months) he was

Yeah. Our house looked nice too. And it looked like that until it didn’t. And then my father died, but only after destroying himself and everything and everyone around him until no one, nothing was left - not even a vestige of his former brilliant self. He thought the same way you do. He had it under control.

It’s...not a thing. The subculture of people who are “poly” and “chill” doing heroin casually with people they meet online is exceedingly small. Please don’t do this again. I don’t even know you and I care about you more than a bored poly housewife who’d give an inexperienced stranger heroin.

I knew people who tried heroin in the nineties. Some people tried it once. Some people fell down a hole into complete self destruction and have never really recovered.

Please don't continue using heroin, no matter what the lives of other users may look like. It will ruin you and destroy your family and everything you care about, if you survive at all. Good people don't encourage others to use heroin. Please stop using now, before it gets worse.

You made the conscious decision though. It sounds like you weighed the pros and cons and did what you felt was right for you. Which is great. That’s not what I’m talking about though... I’m talking about people who are in relationships where their libidos don’t match up; there’s nothing physically wrong with either

It’s reassuring for me too that he’s still very physically affectionate (kissing, hugging, holding hands etc), so I still feel loved and wanted. Best wishes to your husband (and also to you) for his treatment. Having a supportive and understanding partner will go a long way towards helping