
I’m one of the shrugger offers, although I’d say I have quite a high sex drive and would happily ravage Mr Hamsters on a daily basis. He’s got PTSD though, with long bouts of anxiety and depression, which completely kill his libido. The last time we had sex was December last year. I’m not saying I don’t miss sex but,

Every heterosexual female friend with whom I’ve had an honest conversation about sex has complained about wanting sex more than her partner, and that’s a problem in my own life too. Worse yet, thanks to the images we’re shown our entire lives about men wanting sex constantly, we often feel like something must be wrong

Rarely have I wanted to rocket another human being straight into the sun more than when they look at me like I’m a baby-eating space alien when they find out I’m still a virgin at 31.

I really want to have sex all the time until I realize how much work it entails, and then I suggest simply watching an episode of one of our favorite shows. Oh, and wine.

Meh. Who cares really? The more interesting question is: how much are you masturbating? I always found masturbation to be more enjoyable than sex. Whatever.

Finally, a racist, white billionaire gets to have his say. Chaos. Rock and roll. Fucking up that status quo.

gently used cat

This is actually one of the main reasons I stopped using a NuvaRing - the only birth control method which I have ever loved with a true, pure, and lasting adoration. I had really, really long hair at the time and had a lot of sex, and my hair would end up wrapped around the ring. Every couple of months I’d think I had

Yup! That’s how I do it too. Poor Spiderbro. I generally leave him alone.

I have a similar treaty with spiders. Relations became strained the other night when a whopper ran at my feet for no apparent reason but this guerilla action was firmly squished.

I’ve got the same agreement with the spiders.

I had a bartholin’s cyst on my labia. (Look it up; I’ll wait here. Sorry.) I went to the ER and the FEMALE ARNP took one look at it and said, I quote, “Oh my god, that is the worst thing I’ve ever seen! I think I’m going to pass out” and called a nurse in to look. It hurt like a mother and I had to have it excised and

Jesus H., GhostCobra. I saw that and freaked out and started swatting at the screen before I even realized it was a meme.

cat hair, uh, finds a way

Cindy isn’t dumb! She was valedictorian and had an academic scholarship to Northwestern but she dropped out to pursue modeling. But yes, Christy went to NYU and Columbia and is way smart.

Shyeah. Translated into Sane, this says “I have been a complete worthless twat to my daughter her whole life, but I want her to still want to hang out with her veritable abuser, so I’m going to fall back on this deliberately vague platitudinal ‘reason’ as though it’s a matter of concrete moral principle, which I obvs

that’s a good point. there was so much consternation about Daniel Craig not “looking” like James Bond...but he’s like, the best Bond since Connery.

I hit a certain age a few years ago where I suddenly have zero tolerance for people talking shit about other people. Maybe because it just feels so pointless? Like, find something else to do with your time?

That’s fine, Miss Piggy has obviously moved on.

Definitely Not Miss Piggy