
He did a magazine spread back in May? ...sometime, idk. Anyway, it was full of gems like this:

Any opportunity to post this I will take:

“The sisters weren’t convicted of any crimes, rather their sentence was punishment for their brother’s elopement.”

I know you’re right, but it’s just incredibly depressing that that’s the case even on fucking Jezebel.

I said this elsewhere, but I really don’t get the ubiquitous hate and vitriol. I mean, yes, she can be very annoying. She can be dumb. She can be painfully obtuse. That describes most celebs, not to mention most rich young white kids. How the hell is she considered a bigger villian than John Mayer and War Machine

UNPOPULAR OPINION ALERT!! I had a come to jesus moment with Lena Dunham. Compared to other high profile young women in showbiz, she’s at least speaking out on issues like civil rights, feminism, reproductive rights, LGBTQ issues etc and is focused on philantrophic giving. She can be annoying yes, but her image isn’t

I think it’s time for me to make another donation to Planned Parenthood, but I can’t decide if I should do it in honor of Anna Duggar’s Brother, Closeted Bradley Cooper, or Mel Gibson’s Cunt Mouth.

He’s the only one in their families with any damn sense.

Yeah, I always counter that with “But isn’t it MORE moral to be a virtuous person and do what’s right, not because you expect your imaginary friend to reward you for good behavior or punish you for bad behavior, but because IT’S THE RIGHT THING TO DO?”

It’s spread by peple who actually would do all of the things they warn about, if they didn’t believe that their magic sky friend was watching over their shoulder all the time.

It also didn’t stop him, and it absolutely did help him to keep doing it.

It left this kid with no recourse other than to pray for angelic intervention.

A smart man who got a lot of hate said it repeatedly and it’s still true today: religion poisons everything

I’m sure there is a spiritual dilemma in giving evidence that takes to task the oldest lie religion tells, which is that faith and religion makes people act in a better and more moral manner.

Since this is literally the only thing religion seems to have going for it and is the first tool the faithful with whip out when

Mark Shrayber, you are the best. I want you to travel across the country with Marilyn Hagerty and write reviews of chain restaurants. I would read the fuck out of that blog.

This post made my day. week. month.

Inane Ramblings: I've been thinking about the Olive Garden a lot lately, because it's a Good Value. Being a Poor, I have to think about this all the time. If a guy wanted to take me on a date, I would choose the Olive Garden, where I would fill up on soup and breadsticks, then take my entrée home to eat for the next

I love you Mark. Pure gold.

I am wiping away several (several) (7ral) tears of joy after reading this post, Mark. It's a thing of beauty.