
Babypele's inner feminist was awakened similar plot line from the Queen of the Damned as well. But Mists of Avalon was my JAM, like I might have memorized every line in that movie come back curly haired Julianna Margulies.

I think it was one of the Mists of Avalon series by Marion Zimmer Bradley, but the line obviously stuck more than the book the line was from.

if I can conceive, carry, and deliver a baby ... allowing him to participate in naming it is a courtesy I'm extending. I don't need his permission to do anything.

I remember reading a book set in a matriarchal society where one character commented to a foreigner, "We trace lineage through the mother's side. One can never be certain who the father is." It was a throw-away line, but it's stuck with me for decades.

That being said, I kept my name when I got married because I'm


I have to be honest, it's been a struggle for me to get off my ass and be decent about the chores. I've got a full-time job and full-time school going on, but I could still help out to keep the apartment cleaner, and cook some food when I'm home, and my wife has brought this concern up to me. She works a job with

Exactly. My husband and I are both GGG (Dan Savage's "good, giving, and game") and quite happy with our sex lives, but lots of ladies get turned down on the regular and I'm tired of the stereotype that men are always pestering us and we're always playing gatekeeper. It cuts both ways.

And, it might be pointed out, that sometimes women suffer the same. Sometimes men, due to stress, etc, also reject their partners.

then the question becomes, why are you staying married to a douchebag?

But you're judging what she's doing in her marriage based on your ideal of what a woman should do in a marriage. A marriage doesn't have to fit any sort of definition beyond what the participants decide to make for themselves. "That's all on her - not him" implies that she's in the wrong. Your expectations don't make

Drunk sex is fun when you're drunk, otherwise it's just really shitty sober sex with a drunk person.

I want to know what his advances are when she non-verbally tells him no. He probably gets an erection and points at it while she's watching TV.

to be fair, sometimes someone can be so drunk you really don't want to have sex with them....especially if they are showing up with whiskey dick!

Meh, I'm going to be too busy having sex.

Drunk sex is the worst. It is especially the worst if you are not drunk and your partner is. Ugh.

As a fellow married man, this seems like a man that has little self-confidence. I also hear the "I'm sweaty and gross" excuse. But I've learned that is not an indicator that she doesn't want to have sex, but she wants me to be aggressive and take control of the situation. Don't ask and beg for sex and don't pay for

This shouldn't be a list sent to her to show her why "she's wrong" or something like that — no woman ever has to live under any requirement to have sex.

That being said, the list should just be reasons why he should leave her. If she's not interested in having a fulfilling sex life with him (and that's 100% completely


Something tells me there are two sets of books being kept here. We're only seeing his set. I'm guessing under her's, "you're a douchebag" appears quite often under the excuse column.