
It is my second-favorite headline I've ever written, after:

Looking forward to the time when the tide turns for women's rights. Guess we have to wait for the geezers to go...

Butters, what have we said about not caring about other people's boners?!

you may laugh, you may scoff, but you may also mark my werdz .

Butters, no one in the history of Internet blog writing has ever loved something as much as you love that sentence. I wish someday someone will love me as much as you love "No one gives a shit about your boner. " - Erin Gloria Ryan

It's definitely what I was going for!

I say this with all respect, cassie:


I don't think there's any gray area. If someone, male or female, grabs your junk uninvited, they should expect a slap in return.

Lindy, I think this is fake too. He looks like he fell asleep at a frat party. He's super hot though!

I give Tim McGraw a pass, because if someone reached up and grabbed — or even tried to grab — my crotch-area I would do way worse than slap them. Instinctually.

My vote is- if someone smacks you in the genitals, you have a free pass. I didn't watch the video though, because I was worried I might be subjected to Tim McGraw's music.

Way to go Shakira! 10/10 would get knocked up twice by Gerard Pique.

It's quite possible that she likes that gap.

I couldn't resist and now I feel The Guilt.

"I'm tired of these crazy bitches fucking up my Barbie world." — my 56 yr old mother who credits Barbie as her solace during an abusive childhood. Moms don't play.