
The more I see of this Mark guy, the more I like him. So glad you're on Jez.

The most disturbing thing is that it clearly at some point made the leap from "deeply romantic flirtation" (a little overwrought but not disgusting) to "sweet gentle fucks."

But Charlie said he was Jesus. Fundamentalist Christains say there are murderous Satanists to justify their murderous Christianity.

I always had an irrational dislike for Ethan Hawke. Then I saw this movie and it wasn't irrational anymore.

Petticoat Despot wrote a FANTASTIC article on Groupthink about consistency in stories and lying (particularly as it related to the Woody Allen / Dylan Farrow story):…

It's definitely worth a read.

I mean, I kind of wonder how one even defines a "satanic cult." It's only a step more realistic than saying you're in a leprechaun orchestra. I could get a bunch of people together at my house tonight and say we're all members of a satanic cult. Does any group of losers who sit around talking about the darkity

Murderous satanic cults don't exist. Except in the minds of fundamentalist Christians, the mentally ill and the victims of recovered memory therapy.

"That's a person in her stomach" is some serious bullshit when she so obviously doesn't even know what being a person means. What craziness must possess this lady to say she never gets angry (No, just the opposite, whatever that means).

F**k society. They did not come rescue me from child abuse. Everyone just watched it happen. Double f**k them

despite calling her a whore and forbidding her from getting the abortion she wanted

So I have a great relationship with my mom, and it's difficult for me to imagine not having that relationship with her, and that's where I'm coming from when I ask this question. At what point does Farrah just decide to cut off all ties with this woman? This clip was unbelievably infuriating.

I'm fairly certain I "stare in a sexual way" every time I see a brownie.

I agree, the eyeliner was awful. I actually chose this one because the lighting and makeup were the name of reality. Good lighting is key at sixty. I also find that wearing a bird on my head has a softening seen here! Makeup then is barely needed.


The complete absence of women older than 30 is the fashion world is the elephant in the room no one ever talks about. Race diversity, body diversity have all been covered and there are timid signs that the industry, or at least parts of it, is moving in the right direction. But when it comes to age, no one touches on

I'm so happy when I see an older woman with long hair. My mum is 50, has been completely silver for 20 years and just dyed the underside bright purple! It looks great and it's always been thick and healthy.

because it is remarkable to see an actual human stomach

After you hit menopause and your hormone levels change, for many women this means your hair becomes drier and more brittle, your scalp dries up, and your hair thins out. The shorter hair in older women is often because long hair simply isn't possible or flattering due to these changes.

She's gorgeous. Happy to see white folks enjoying what us coloreds can take for granted. Case in point: My mom at 56.

I wish more older women would keep their hair long after it starts to go grey, there's something really distinguished about a long mane of silver hair.