
The ones from the maternity ward are way, way too needy. And way, way too obsessed with boobs. And they shit themselves at the slightest provocation.

Sorry, I just had to post this :] (It's appropriate for everything!)

Is that a BATMAN BEYOND gif and if so, please marry me forthwith.

-1,000,000 for no mention of Reddit.

I'm beary excited to see how many heads this flies over.

I have to imagine whoever hacks my webcam will get bored pretty quickly. "I've been watching you smoke pot and cigarettes on your couch for the past five hours while you make friendship bracelets...what the fuck are you doing with your life?!"

I can't do Kotaku very often. The misogyny is both violent and omnipresent.

Yeah... I'm gonna have to agree that a guy doing more chores around the house is much more likely to get sex.

I agree, it made me all violent. His comments continue to make me all ragey, especially the one where he offers "dairy cow" as a retort.

Here's the thing: There is a healthy, consensual way to have a dynamic where one or both partners is/are sexually domineering. But the key is consent! Not tacit consent, not implicit consent, actual, we-sat-down-and-talked-through-the-parameters-of-this consent. They don't seem to understand that, just because this

Daddy needs his sleeping pill? You, bet baby. Wash it down with my special, homemade decaf...

I'm still fuming over that one. Like I could kick something. Someone should staple 30 pounds to HIS chest and see how well he gets on with "toning his core".

"Couples where the man does typical feminine chores have less sex. When gender roles are confused, sexual roles are too."

Did you read the comments by the guy who said women want 32E breasts and that instead of getting breast reductions we should tone our core? FFS

I pray to FSM that my daughter doesn't bring home a POS like this.

Yep. And if you say you're're obviously wrong or a lesbian.

"Angry neckbeards"

This man is such a walking advertisement for a Napoleon complex. 5'5" and proving his "manhood" by treating his wife like a walking hybrid of an oven/sex doll.

Joe, you bring nothing but disgust and disappointment to the table.

I don't know what nauseates me more. This or the Kotaku cross post on drawing real breasts, with all of the comments by angry neckbeards about how feminazis are ruining video games for everyone and "omg stfu HOOR."