
I wish that I could wear contacts but they feel dry immediately and I end up using drops ALL day long. I tried for two years and was left with insanely dry eyes that took another year to go back to normal. I wear eye makeup too and I always forget when I wake up and end up rubbing my eyes like crazy and looking like a

My grandparents used to take an hour nap every single day right after lunch. After setting the egg timer they would both lie down head to toe on their old narrow, blue 1950s sofa and share a blanket.

"Essentially we are the first to report evidence that naps are important for preschool children."

When you start your own business, you can hire me!

[Insert Science News Cycle from Ph.D comics.]

i don't get it either. I'd rather nap than run out for a salad for 30 minutes each day...but for some reason, they think we should eat rather than close our eyes and rest (after consuming LED-screen lighting and fluorescent overhead lights all morning and early afternoon).

At work, I often repair to my car after lunch for a post-prandial nap. I recline the seat, listen to The World on NPR and snooze for 45 minutes. It does me a world of good. I've gotten over feeling weird about someone seeing me dozing in my car, and since I'm in a secure parking garage with staff patrolling regularly,

I've heard that in some parts of the world, there is this magical thing known as a "siesta," and I want it so bad. WHY IS IT NOT SOCIALLY ACCEPTABLE FOR ADULTS TO TAKE NAPS IN THIS DANG COUNTRY.

He texted her that he didn't want anything to do with a kid.

The onus for obtaining legal counsel in serious situations is on the person making the serious decision. This entire case has been a clusterfuck from beginning to end, but he gets zero sympathy. If he needed more information - about the kid's eventual home,

The Capobiancos and the birth mother have an open adoption relationship, so she has that link to her biological parents. The father has refused to bring Veronica to court-ordered visits for months, leaving her on tribal land. I am guessing that trust is never going to be established there.

Your unintended typo made your comment the best I've read in a while. I was sitting here going, "shit, you must really dislike someone to give them a bean muffin!!" Haha!

Right! Hand somebody a bran muffin and you might as well tell them to get fucked.

Rapper Trina was hospitalized with da baddest dehydration.

My neighbor has had an Impala parked in front of his house for five months. My guess? It's inoperative.

What the hell, Samantha?! Lemon poppy seed muffins are delicious. Oh, and Cher, you need to drink a glass of water and go to bed.

Is Lil B just listing things people might feel and telling them to tell someone? "If you feel kind of hungry at 2am but don't want to get out of bed, tell someone."

Um yes please... You forgot "buy the dinosaur kale" and make jokes about eating dinosaur food... this is a tried and true way to get children skeptical of green curly leaves interested in the deliciousness. You might be evil when you try to convince them they might turn into a dinosaur if they eat it like something