
A good plan. Sadly I am now mainly active in the angry-complete-assignment-all-nighter phase. Tis not so cathartic. *cries*

I love many things about Gawker, but holy god, when the misogyny (or racism) comes out, it really comes out. It's always so bizarre to me to see generally intelligent people whining about misandry and how unfair the world is to men because someone suggested harassing women isn't actually a good thing to do.

I don't know anyone like that. I know plenty of assholes who think they can accurately determine someone's personality, outlook, and interest in conversation from what they happen to be wearing, though.

You know, when I was young I used to retort but then when I was 16 and some douche on a bike rode by and made a gross comment about my body. I gave the finger to his retreating back and he turned around, got off his bike, grabbed my arm, and demanded I apologize. There was nobody else around. I was terrified. I

Wonderful example of how "devil's advocate" winds up meaning, at best, "I'm a contrarian with no point," and at worst, "Let me just bigoted hateful shit behind this handy screen."

That is disgusting. It made me angry. Now I am angry. Yes. Must angry clean.

I find it's older gentleman who tell me to smile, because ya know, they're old and they are harmless and can tell me what to do? Um, NO!

Aside from the fact that your assertion is *absurd*, how many of us have still been harassed while wearing, sweats, jeans, a suit even. It's not about a woman's clothing choice; it's about the feeling of entitlement of the man who decides to express himself in a demeaning and insulting way.

Nah, I don't think you should. I think that men are an important part of creating a peer culture in which gross men realize that other men will look down on them for treating women badly. And while this isn't a perfect solution— while we're still depending on men to take action— it's a step in the right direction.

Especially when I'm in the middle of crossing the street. While pregnant. I really don't need my attention drawn from the two-ton missiles flying about for a shitty comment.

Just to play devil's advocate we all know about men who dress like a "ho" in tank tops and shorts and then complain when they get objectified by gay men at a bar.

Sometimes I feel like Feminist-Failure because I appreciate guys who stand up and say "Hey, don't talk to a lady like that". I mean, I understand the problematic nature of "the frail, delicate flower must be treated with kindness" that comes with that chivalry bit. But I'd much rather have someone defend me because of

Once again, it is up to the ladies to make sure their appearance will not draw comments from any of the strangers they might meet in the future. Obviously we can't expect people to not yell about the underpants of strangers, that would be a ridiculous inconvenience to assholes!

I used to get catcalled ALL. THE. TIME in my old neighborhood, because I walked home from work along a busy street. Most of the time it was just stupid "hey sexy, hey baby, hey mama, hey girl" crap, but I remember distinctly I was waiting to cross the road and some asshole leaned out of his car window and shouted

"Aw yeah, Sun. Did you rise just for me? How'dya like to shine your luminous beams all over my naked body? I know the latitudinal coordinates for a topless beach you could meet me at. Wait! Why you hiding behind that cloud? I'm just trying to pay you a compliment. Bitch! I like the moon better anyway!"


This is for you, gentleman who waved at me from your car while I was in the middle of a crosswalk. Waved so urgently that I pulled my headphones out and changed directions just for you to utter, "God, I love me some big, pregnant boobies."

Back when "Thelma and Louise" was in theaters I happened to see it with a female friend and a couple of male work mates. Walking home we split up. My female friend walking with one male who lived near her. She told me they continued to discuss the film on the walk. He said that men like the trucker who harassed T &L

"Just take a deep breath, commit the image to memory, and get on with your life." Why don't a lot of men get this? Whenever I see a woman on the street I find beautiful, I treat it like looking at the sun. Just a quick glance, look away, appreciate it's existence, and move on with my day.

I used to walk DudeJeans to work back in our old (seedier) town, and it was nuts — on the way there (about a mile) when I walked with him, no yells, no honks, no nothing, and on the way back alone, AT LEAST three instances of harassment. Every time. It's such a perfect illustration of how when men do this, it has