
I came here to say the exact same thing. It drives me batty.

Annie Leibovitz and *me* ! Annie Leibovitz and *me*, goddammit!!

I always take my cart in. I too share this brand of smug.

The guy who plays pornstache is actually pretty cute. Ditto to the dude Daya's mom was with ( the one who told him about the baby). So 3 cute dudes for 12 months is not bad. Simple hot guy math.

Now playing

Is it wrong that, as a former registered fuck-head drug addict, I have a deep investment in LiLo's apparent recovery and/or new PR team? IS IT?

I know some of what Russell Brand gets up to can be problematic, but the man is spot-on so much of the time. I love him to bits.

I posted that Russell Brand piece to my FB page earlier today. He really does not get enough credit for his intelligence and writing skills - not only is he fucking funny, he actually has something important to say and says it in a beautifully constructed way (even poetic, at times.) As an ex-member of the mass-market

Yes! I loled. "Sorry Children's Hospital of Orange County; St. Jude's kids brought their A-game. #tryalittlehardernexttime"

Will someone teach me how to photoshop so that I can photoshop on myself in place of Elmo?? K thanks

"It has nothing to do with the fact that my publicist aka MOM thought my sushi tweet five seconds ago sounded too stuck up."

This reminds me of a Facebook friend's post yesterday. "I don't usually post about this, but I try to do a random act of kindness each month. I bought a guy and his dog dinner and he was so grateful! . . ." blah blah blah Gross. It wasn't even a good story, it was clearly meant to showcase altruism and the fact that

"Today I finally got my fucking appearance fee"

I see a super wedgie in her future.

"I don't normally brag about my supposed altruism, but today, I will. Today my generosity was finally rewarded with nice people. They've been bitches until now." - Kylie Jenner's first draft of that tweet.

Wanted: One PayPig who gets super turned on paying student loans. Fuck, I will set you up a scavenger hunt every month if that's what you're looking for.

Hmm. I wonder how someone with no business acumen would go about setting up a business like this from scratch.

This, then, is a measure of one's commitment to equality as opposed to their merely wishing things could be different.

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He's from YouTube. Here's his video/channel:

I think we all know what else he could have flipped ;]

Note: I lost mine at 15 to an older guy and it was...meh. HOWEVER at 19 I got to take the virginity of a good friend....that was most excellent. This story is worth a read!!