
Maybe it’s because you’re sterotyping them and telling them what their feelings are. If you’re having trouble with people having prejudices and stereotyping you, you best not act like a total hypocrite and behave in the exact way you expect others not to act.

That definition you’re using was coined by two white people, and is not a reasonable definition.

I don’t know, do you think it’s racist to stereotype an entire group of people based on their ethnicity like you just have about “whites”?

The only thing that’s ridiculous is how ignorant you are about just how much better top male tennis players are compared to their female counterparts.

Why are people acting like Serena hasn’t played against men? It’s probably because she got embarrassed so badly by a relative nobody in Men’s tennis.

Yeah, I mean its not like a group of students walked around campus with baseball bats looking for Brett Weinstein or anything... He totally didn’t receive a call from the police asking him to stay off campus for his own safety. It’s not like people on this campus have actually called for the kidnapping of Weinstein’s

Yeah, that’s totally worth the price... heh...

I see you’re still trying to fight racism with racism, and getting nowhere with it. I hope you’re not shocked.

Let me put it to you this way, let’s say that designing a clutch so that it can handle such actions adds 2 seconds per lap, because shifts are now slower, and the clutch and its supporting structure is more robust and heavier. Is that worth it to you? Because that could easily be the difference between victory and

You’d think someone here would comment about how Domestic Violence is in fact not a gendered issue. Want to see something really crazy? Check out the astronomical rates of domestic abuse in lesbian households compared gay households. (For those curious, 44% of lesbians have been been physically assaulted by an

Uhh... why are they considering the Xbox One X to be a “new generation”? It doesn’t have any of its own games. It’s a Xbox One with extra power. It’s not a new generation at all.

That’s what I thought when it first was announced. A lot of people will point to the fact that they didn’t get Hayter to play Big Boss in Ground Zeroes or the Big Boss tapes, but that would have just made it more obvious that Venom Snake isn’t Big Boss.

It’s entirely possible that the reason behind it was going to be revealed in future games. We may never know why.

Considering the millions the WNBA loses every year, not really.

lol. Olympic champion womens team regularly get beaten by a bunch of 15 year old boys who aren’t even the best of their age group, and you think the top level men in the world are afraid of competing against them?


That would be a hilarious solution.

I fully agree with everything you just said, but try bringing up those points with many of the people that are lobbying the government about trans rights.

It’s gone too far in so many ways it’s not even funny. Even when using their own logic it doesn’t make any sense. We really need to stop putting so much stock in

Well what is it then? We need to come to a consensus. Either trans women are biological women in every sense of the world or they’re not. If trans women are only biological women when other women aren’t at a disadvantage as a result, then you’re applying a double standard out of inconvenience.

I’ve been saying for

That’s the world we live in.

The problem is that there are actually a lot of people that do not believe male athletes destroy female athletes. They have no idea how huge the gap actually is. There are people I have had conversations with that do not believe that if we removed the gender categories in the Olympics, 99% of medals would be won by