
Ohh look, yet another person who would rather make personal attacks than act like a civil human being.

You’re assuming women aren’t promoted at the rate men are, and don’t hold more positions of power because of sexism, when there’s a whole pile of legitimate reasons. Positions of power require more work, longer hours, and often times marginally more pay. You can’t change the fact that women choose to work less hours

See you’re just buying into the bullshit without thinking about it.

So you took that bolded statement to mean that the number of hours worked, when unaccounted for, has no basis in the earnings gap? That’s strange then, when it’s talking about hourly earnings, not hours worked. Since many fields have higher rates for

Again, your article accounts for some factors more factors than the traditional “78%” statistic, that is thoroughly debunked, but appears to intentionally exclude the most critical ones (such as hours worked) in order to obfuscate the discussion and perpetuate the myth.

lol. Nice sexist source that doesn’t control for things like experience, and hours worked, and a whole bunch of other factors that when accounted for, shrink the pay gap within a margin of error.

This is just another cherry picked infographic made by shifting the goalposts in response to the fact that wage gap myth has

Yeah, how dare people preaching for actual equality (you know treating people equally, and not trying to divide them by gender) point out the blatant double standard that women are held to in the 21st century!

All over the place men’s and boy’s only clubs and organizations have been pressured, if not forced to open its

Way to bring race into this. It’s a lot easier to blame someone else for your problems than it is for you to actually work to solve them, isn’t it?

It’s a saying, perhaps you’ve heard it.

Then again, you are “the authority”, so I can’t help but wonder how fragile your ego must be.

Nope. You did that all yourself. Sunlight is the best bleach. Remember that.

Sorry, your weak justification of racist terms using a racist blog post doesn’t make you any less racist. Keep stereotyping people while lashing out at those who stereotype you. You’re a living, breathing, walking hypocrite and you know it.

And this isn’t your space. What part of that don’t you understand? This is the

I’m sorry, you actually think anyone is going to listen to anything you’re saying when you stereotype and use racist labels to describe fellow human beings?

Nope. Quit your racism.

Quit trying to think for other people and quit your paranoia. The world is not out to get you, so stop acting like it.

So because you don’t believe you can achieve actual equality in our lifetimes, there’s no point in trying to get closer to that level? That makes sense. A teenager growing up in the 30's during the great depression would have laughed in your face if you told them that less than 40 years from now, we’d be putting

Nah. I don’t think you’ve ever truly listened your entire life. I don’t even think you’ve even really heard what others have been saying.

No,I don’t think you can erase someone’s pain, anger, frustration and despair. What makes you think I’m asking someone to do that? You’re grossly misrepresenting my point of view. I

White-aligned? That’s cute. How about you cut the racism?

You might not have been talking to me, but you were talking about me. Don’t want me to respond? It’s pretty simple. Leave. You have no power over me. Deal with it.

And if I don’t get my “dumb ass out of here”? What are you going to do? Ohh right, I know. Nothing. You’re going to do nothing. You don’t actually wield the power you represent. Surprise, surprise.

Inclusion is working all over the place. You see it all around you. The problem for you is that when it works, it becomes

I think you’re still not seeing my point. Please explain how de-integrating, (even in the short term) leads to less discrimination and thus, more equality.

Treating people differently never leads to people treating each other equally. You get equality by literally treating everyone as equals. You need to be the change

You’re not going to get equality in the larger sphere by gating yourselves off from from that larger sphere either. It’s amazing how you want to reinstall some of the very barriers your ancestors fought so hard to remove.

Keep trying to resegregate schools. It’s totally not racist.

I’m sorry, did you just think that wall of text sounded coherent? You’re still not getting it are you? This whole straw man you’re building claiming that me, or people like me are claiming “you need to sort your own shit out and find your own solutions before you come to us” is simply bullshit. I’m certainly not

The internet is not a safe space. It never has been and never will be. The root is not anyone’s space. No one has come into “your space” because it isn’t “your space”.

Here’s a simple thought exercise: If you think you’re not being racist for trying to exclude white people from a gathering, just mentally swap the races

Love how Rinne got credited with the goal at the end.