Lynn McKenzie

A media platform outright banning the sitting President of the United States would be a pretty radical move. The bullshit about “newsworthiness” or whatever they cited as to why they didn’t ban him really undersold how big of a deal banning him —much less banning him for engaging in (stupid, reckless) foreign

What would happen if Twitter banned Donald Trump:

“We will continue to do nothing to enforce our old rules and now we have brand new rules for us to do nothing to enforce. Happy now, ladies?”

Your cat is also nicer and has more respect for living things.

I don’t think Pence is likely to start a nuclear war. I think Dolt 45 is likely to.

Yup. And, a President Pence would allow the left to come face to face with the real threat of the far right. Trump is so much madness that he gives cover to all sorts of nonsense actors ranging from Steiners to Bernie Bros. to libertarians.

Trump is a feckless Rorschach test that allows the people who elected him

Count me as one of the idiots. I would put our odds of surviving Trump around 50/50 at best. Seriously, do not underestimate the severity of our situation under Trump.

I’m going out on a limb here: Rex Tillerson is smarter than Donald Trump.

Batman has always been the personification of America’s “secret” belief that private wealth and violence are the cure for poverty and mental illness. I suspect this comment section will prove how uncomfortable people get when it’s called to attention.

Ron Paul knows they are all donkey brains too. That’s why he has spent his entire political career being both a hypocrite and a con artist. I’ve never met a libertarian who can explain to me how Ron Paul is some small government guy when he is anti-choice and anti-gay.

I mean, I wouldn’t want my mom to lose her coverage or anything, BUT HER EMAILS!!

It’s always donkey-brained guys like this who are unable to utilize logical thinking whatsoever who are Libertarians. See also:

Ehhh, there’s one difference, albeit a small one: it’s usually easier to grow out of being a racist “for the lulz” than being a real racist. I know I did. (20 years ago, I was essentially a prototype for 4chan alt-right trolls.)

For the umpteenth time, there is no functional difference between being racist “for the lulz” and actually being a racist.

I disagree completely, people really set the stage for who they are gonna be as people in high school. If you really want to figure out who someone is, figure out how they behaved in high school.

Yeah, I’ve met a lot of teenagers, and I never met one who went out of his way to write an editorial trying to prove Hispanics are dumb. That’s not some teenager shit. That’s some this asshole shit.

True, but his racist teenage antics are consistent with his racist adult antics.

What I most enjoyed was looking at the world building and set design and seeing how the whole film looks like a test run for Villeneuve’s stab at Dune. Arrakis, Caladan, Giedi Prime, and Kaitain are all foreshadowed in Blade Runner 2049's set pieces. Not to mention the slow building storytelling and long

They would rather have a high volume of reposted content from other sites to allow a greater content of Amazon ads than fewer good stories. It’s safe to say the AV Club, even the diminished version of the last couple years, is dead.

For god’s sake, it would make so much of a difference just to have a Recent Articles page again. It was extraordinarily convenient before the switch, and now that nothing on the front page has any permanence it’s completely necessary. Seriously, the only things raised to the featured articles on the top are the