Eat shit and die. And get the Sox logo off your profile. No self-respecting Chicagoan would spew this shit.
Eat shit and die. And get the Sox logo off your profile. No self-respecting Chicagoan would spew this shit.
Holy shit, fuck off. Dude your name even says Sicilian in it, you dumb cracker.
Pray that never happens. The consolidation of power around the Republicans would usher in the next phase of true fascism. It’s a nice thought to imagine a world without Donald Trump, but try to think two moves ahead.
No. I want to see him rot in prison. Him, his family, and every last Republican that helped him get to this point.
Or his looks, personality, athleticism, sense of humor, common interests, or penis size.
So far we’ve seen “neutral” and “disapproving”. One is for when the camera is on, one is for when she forgets the camera is on.
I had no idea Melania could speak 6 languages. Very impressive. And she married someone who can barely speak one.
Well, I know what I’m doing this weekend. Say a prayer for ole’ TAFKAY as I trudge into Theater #4, daughters in tow, while you head into Blade Runner 2049.
These things happened all the time, yet they still thought it wasn’t completely tone deaf to produce a show that is basically gun porn. Idiots.
Without gun control laws (which we will never, ever get in the United States), the only way to lessen gun use in the United States is to change the way they’re portrayed in the media. Stop making them macho and sexy. Start showing mass murderers as the pathetic, cowardly nothings they really are.
No shit.
Hey here’s an idea - in the light of yet another horrific mass shooting this is a great time for all of us to culturally admit that Punisher is nothing but the most juvenile power fantasy for edge lords and pull him entirely because fuck - is Dour Rambo something we needed that goddamn badly? Season 2 of…
But he DOES have powers! A bunch of guns which have the power to turn an insecure paranoiac into The Bringer of Death! And the wonderful thing is, unlike Green Lantern’s ring, or Thor’s hammer, EVERYONE can have these powers, even if they’re the most unworthy person in the country. They just have to go to a gun show…
Keep in mind this is the Woody Allen Cinematic Universe, where he played a 40-ish neurotic nerd dating a 17 year old Mariel Hemingway.
And that shitty “both sides are bad, it not matter” attitude is exactly why elections are close enough to steal. This country would be demonstrably better off with Hillary Clinton in White House, and it would have been demonstrably better off with Al Gore in White House instead of George W. Bush. But no, we can’t have…
No, no he didn’t. ACA, consumer protection measures, etc, etc, etc.
*Reaches out his hand longingly and whispers to himself as Barack and Michelle walk away*
Better than my grandfather, who only realized it was his anniversarywhen my mom called him at work asking why he was so late coming home on his birthday, and then had to be picked up from a store because his car was stolen while he was buying a tree. To this day, nobody knows why he thought a tree was the thing to…
I totally did; I never once took it for granted. I failed to see the exact height of the garbage fire coming our way, but that’s a different thing.
You didn’t know how good you had it, America.