Lynn McKenzie

Fivethirtyeight published a chart recently that has him as the fifth most-played artist on radio, responsible for roughly one out of every 40 songs. That he has that honor without being divisive among music fans, and also somehow never had a #1 album on Billboard until 2014 says so much about how we accepted his

It’s my humble opinion that either this or The Royal Tennenbaums are the apex of Anderson’s career to this point. My humble and unpopular opinion also includes the point that I feel that Life Aquatic is least interesting work, second only to Darjeeling Limited. Thrust your hot takes at me, for I welcome their fire.

Are you cussing serious?

For years, I only knew ‘Monty Hall’ as a D&D term for a ridiculously overgenerous DM or Dungeon. I never even understood who Monty Hall even was until a ‘Let’s Make a Deal’ revival in the 80's. ‘Let’s Make a Deal’ was less a game show and more of a temple of chaos but Hall navigated the show so well.

Well, one could say that while Wonder Woman was never going to be a crossover film because of its time-period-setting, I think that the point is that being freed from having to connect WW to other characters, that freedom allowed Patty Jenkins and the writers to focus more on simply making a good movie.

Oh wait, you’re supposed to switch. This is how I end up picking the door to hell. (It has a goat, see, it all fits).

If people don’t show up to his funeral dressed as bananas or pirates, then a great opportunity has been lost. RIP

Mr. Miranda is spot-on.

So here’s the thing about Wonder Woman’s costume... They keep trying to change it in the comics and they keep changing it back. There comes a point where they have to work with what they’ve got because the swimsuit look became iconic through the years (I’m not happy about, but there you go).

Good news, stupid feminists who stupidly enjoyed Wonder Woman! James Cameron is back for more mansplaining about how stupid you are!

I’m so glad Cameron decided to continue to tell Patty Jenkins about how much better he was at feminism than she was.

On the other hand Jimmy, a lot of the audience was only oogling Chris Pine

Now the only way to remove the curse is to get someone else to read the review. And so on and so on must the curse travel for all eternity. (Kind of like the movie “It follows”)

Wasn’t it Harry Knowles, or someone at his site, that speculated about how Claire’s (from “Heroes”) regenerative power worked, and whether it meant that every time she had sex, her hymen would regenerate?

You know, I’m starting to suspect that this Harry Knowles guy might not be the most reputable reviewer on the internet.

Recently an AV club commentor linked a Harry Knowles review of Blade 2 and it was possibly one of the most bizarre and creepy things I’ve read on semi-reputable movie website. For that review alone, it makes me kind of happy that Ain’t it cool news is steadily falling apart.

Very true. Schumer gets a lot of shit from the liberal wing for being too close to Wall Street, but he kept his caucus in line.

It’s all very well and good to praise Collins and McCain for opposing the bill (and Rand Paul, although he opposed it for being too generous), but I think it’s worth remembering not a single member of the Democratic caucus — 46 Dems, 2 Independents — made the slightest peep about supporting this bill or any of the

After Sep 30th, they can’t use reconciliation (and the corresponding 50 vote passage) so the Dems can apply a regular filibuster until Jan 2019.

Scott Buck : MCU :: Zack Snyder : DCEU

Just stop putting so many things in the hands of your least interesting creatives, giant studios! People want to love these properties, but you make it a lot harder for them than you should.

Buck is more or less 0/3 at this point for me (I’m assuming that the reviews for this are