It’s impossible to know since all the old AV club regulars have left. #Kinjapocalpyse
It’s impossible to know since all the old AV club regulars have left. #Kinjapocalpyse
When it happened? Toddling around the living room carpet, most likely.
Or about the record album With the Beatles, which was released that same day.
Don’t forget Pete Townshend and LIFEHOUSE, which became WHO’S NEXT.
the candy-colored town is invaded by evil interlopers on behalf of the Storm King
It’s clearly mentioned in THE GUNSLINGER how Susan dies.
Two good men. Thank you, Steve and Eric.
Wait a minute, THE SIXTH SENSE? What happened to THE EXORCIST? Surely *that’s* the Number One of all time; at least, adjusted for inflation.
Not one of my fave SK books, but damn if it didn’t creep me out when I first read it. You’ve encouraged me to try the film.
Depends. If it’s in private, then you may not feel a need. Your GF saw the one act, so it’s not like you’d need to tell her about that, but you might want to about the others. If it’s in public, then a loud response and shove away would be appropriate. If it’s at work, you DEFINITELY report them for harassment. And if…
Responses like this are the reason women don’t speak up.
Can’t argue with logic like that. You win.
What those women did to you was wrong, particularly the touching. You’d be within your rights to call them out. It happens a lot more frequently to women, though, and is usually ignored when it does.
Separate subject!
Oh, for Christ’s sweet sake....
Was not expecting *that*. Ugh. I need a long, hot shower to wash off all the slime.
Edgar Wright has yet to steer me wrong. (See what I did there?)
Edgar Wright has yet to steer me wrong. (See what I did there?)
I first tried gefilte fish when my spouse and I married. It was the jarred kind, which naturally I loathed. Several years later, my husband learned how to make gefilte fish from scratch using his grandmother’s recipe. Like night and day! I adore his gefilte fish with horseradish. Don’t know if our recipe has sugar or…
If only I could like this four billion times.