As a member of the Union of Clowns Who Pull Arms Off Kids Local 151, I’m pissed that we’ve been slandered as “bad” by this movie.
As a member of the Union of Clowns Who Pull Arms Off Kids Local 151, I’m pissed that we’ve been slandered as “bad” by this movie.
So the Turtle died when his Beam broke? OK, but then who is Another?
Um...lots and lots of gophers. And robins. And maybe an occasional bear if he was lucky.
Wow, what a snotty review. It’s condemning them for trying to play new things and also for having the gall to be a “nostalgia act”. Fuck that reviewer.
As a St. Louis expat now living on the East Coast, I applaud you. And my heart bleeds for my hometown.
On an unrelated note: How can I get Kinja to approve my posts?! Why does it approve some but not all of them?? Is it just EVIL????!?
Since you predicted the rise of mindless fascism, Charlie, please write a Black Mirror episode which will predict its death. And SOON.
“Eight Days A Week” is the only song I can think of with a fade-IN. But it doesn’t have a fade-out. Just throwing that on the table....
Nothing about this was said on the Paisley Park tour I took Sunday.
Saw it in college with my two closest friends. I stayed with them that night. None of us slept well. We were all scared shitless.
Not bad; I’m on vacation. Saw Paisley Park and THE BIG SICK in the same day. One for the ages.
What a shame, I missed the GOP booth. But I did find cheese curds, and Al Franken’s booth.
This is my second account. The first is lost in the eclipse.