Lynn McKenzie

I’ve been buying CDs since 1985 (Give My Regards To Broad Street–hey, had to start SOMEWHERE), and not a single one of the hundreds I’ve purchased has had any disc rot.

Hipsters are nuts to prefer vinyl. I grew up with the stuff and was thrilled to get rid of a format that scratched easily, only held 25 minutes of music per side (which you had to flip over) and which had muffled sound unless you owned a turntable, stylus & cartridge which cost $1,000 in Eighties currency. CDs were,

To paraphrase Han Solo: “I don’t know. I can stomach quite a bit.” I mean, look at what they’ve put up with so far.

The ones who didn’t have all been fired.

I think a comma snuck in there between hunting and liberals.

Edgar Wright and Joe Dante should co-direct that.

Edgar Wright is the hottest director around right now.

Then you're not racist as long as you don't make a point of playing the race card when you comment on the film.

Don't forget Wonder Woman. Hope the success of that leads to more female directors and more women-centered films which aren't "chick flicks".

The brilliance of Get Out is not in its rather conventional horror scenario but in its incisive, wicked and sometimes hysterically funny social commentary. That's where the true horror in the film lies. But you're probably racist if you can't see that.

Yes, but once Netflix took over, they all began speaking American for most of the season.

I tend to agree with all of the Eighties picks (wonder why?), but this was the creme de la creme: "Cannonball", by the Breeders. Changes direction three times in thirty seconds and uses feedback in the best possible way. Crank it up!…

First time I heard it, I said to myself, "I KNOW that riff," but I couldn't figure it out until years later. They really made a silk purse out of this sow's ear:…

Which Paul wrote when he was sixteen. Sweet Jesus, that's amazing when I contemplate it.

Yep. The single (which is better), and the longer album version.

But Roger Sterling's first acid trip was to Pet Sounds.

So true! It bothers the hell out of me that most of them throw a shit fit if you bring up Yoko's work. They can't even comprehend how reactionary they're being.

With all due respect, Kevin Pang is an idiot. I probably agree most with A.A. Dowd.

I read this book at eleven and sort of liked it, but it left me kind of cold. Too much cat fighting and drama. It made the girls compete too much with each other; I didn't get much of a sense of friendship.

Second time through and this is hitting me much harder. I worked for a single doctor for eight years. Last November she closed up her practice and joined a big multi-practice with twelve doctors and eight offices. I came along because they agreed to take me on, for less money and longer hours. As a token of their