Lynn McKenzie

Glen. He lied about volunteering to Sally and told Betty the truth.

He didn't sign up. He flunked out and got drafted.

Did anyone else think it was COMPLETELY out of character for Lou to extol Bob Dylan as a "genius"? The two are 180 degrees apart.

Wow. He can finally play himself convincingly.

Wait, Paul McCartney can actually ACT???

It was an instrumental of Do You Want To Know A Secret.

Definitely the stereo. The mix is different enough that I could tell.

Eleanor Rigby worked almost as well as Tomorrow Never Knows. But I can't quite picture Don shutting it off midway.

Coming in late, but had to say it: I'm on my second time through this series. When I saw Michael Ginsburg with Peggy, I watched for about a minute before it hit me who it was. "Oh, SHIT! You're THAT Michael Ginsburg! Holy fuck!!"

Found 'em. Zowees.

Nope, neither of those. Still trying to figure out what they could have been.

Rewatched this and realized: Faye is either Jewish or passing. "Go shit in the ocean" is an English translation of the Yiddish curse "Gai cocknif en yom."

No, alas, those were after my childhood. These cars were popular around 1970 or 71. They were die-cast metal with plastic trim. The one I bought had a plastic pink canopy and was really cute. Wish I still had it.

Oh, right. The Apocalypse.

What comes after Generation Z?

Well aren't we a little sourpuss today.

I should not have read this comment while drinking a soda.

I don't live in NYC, but my two cents:

Or David Fincher.

Rewatched this tonight and had forgotten the funniest scene in the entire series: The moment where Don is pouring himself a drink after Allison throws the ashtray at him and Peggy's head slowly rises up over the divider in the background. I laughed so hard. Kudos, John Slattery!