Lynn McKenzie

Thanks for the reminder! I need to go back and hang there again. I think you originally invited me, in fact.

I know something’s happening here, but I don’t know what it is. Just call me Mr. Jones.

Bruce Springsteen and Paul McCartney. And get off my lawn.

Lots of lens flare for Abrams.

No, but I do have John and Yoko’s Two Minutes Silence. (I also have the Nutopian International Anthem, but that’s only three seconds long.)

Hey, I’m still waiting for those Beatles outtakes from the events of November 9th.

I enjoyed the book in a very guilty way, because the writing style was right up there with Twilight in terms of quality. But I hope that Spielberg gets some commentary about what a God-awful existence this is for people to live in reality and has them destroy it, somehow. Not likely if Cline cowrote the screenplay.

I plead guilty to both.

Thanks for the info! I don’t yet own a BluRay player (yeah, I know, I’ll get there someday), but I’m very much looking forward to this release.

To me, the big news is the Criterion release of Barry Lyndon. Talk about long overdue…It wasn’t even available as an anamorphic release, I don’t believe.

Whoops! My bad. Wonder why I thought it was Romero?

Precisely! I never ate at that restaurant until I was older and wiser. But why starve your kid if you don’t have to? Why shouldn’t everyone get fed whenever possible?

All I can say is that when my family used to go to a Chinese restaurant when I was six or seven, I refused to eat. There are a lot of kids like that. And when we took our kids out, we let them have the burgers and chicken fingers, and now their tastes are even more adventurous than mine–Indian, Ukrainian, Vietnamese.

I have to believe there was some collaboration, though. Perhaps on Twilight Zone: The Movie as well, with Spielberg, Dante and Romero, anyway. Fuck Landis, that killer.

Thank you, Edgar. Beautiful tribute.

Next you’ll be telling me that Spielberg directed Gremlins instead of Joe Dante. Or that he directed A.I. instead of Stanley Kubrick. Wait, what?

I honestly don’t know. The only guy I know who owns vinyl records doesn’t seem to play anything else–at least, not when I visit.

You do have a point. I still own a lot of my mixtapes although I never play them.

Which is a thing I’ve never understood. If you love vinyl and hate MP3s, then WHYYYYYY??????

“Mixtape” = much more difficult to put together “playlist.” And it’s frozen once you make it; no rearranging the track order.