Lynn McKenzie

I've only met a couple of people in my lifetime who said they didn't like the Beatles. None of them were able to articulately explain why, however.

I think the reason so many think of Pepper as the greatest is because it was like an atomic bomb dropped on the music scene. I was only five, but I've read stories about how EVERYONE under thirty was listening to it the weekend it came out. You'd hear it coming from windows as you walked down the street. People were

Oh, excuse me. You're right. That error of $1.50 COMPLETELY invalidates my argument.

You are correct, sir. They're also in the deluxe box.

I already own the mono mix from the mono box, so I have another reason to pass on this set.

He did the remix.

With a sticker price of $150 for the complete 6 disc set, this is the Beatles album for the 1%. Perfect for the Trump era.

I was 29 when I saw It on TV. Most of it didn't scare me, but it had a great creepy vibe. But when the kids are looking at Pennywise in the photo album and his hand came up out of it at them, I jumped.

I can't add to what others have recommended except to say this: Do NOT start with Cell. That's probably his worst novel under his own name. Roadwork is simply boring (that was a Bachman book).

I did that with Psycho. God damn, do I feel old now.

If there is a sequel, maybe they'll call it It's Back.

Prince's White Album. What a treasure. And a great review.

Of course not. Godrich pushed him out of his comfort zone.

I'm cautiously optimistic. I thought NEW was good but wildly overrated. Having four different producers didn't help it any, so I'm glad he's working with just one guy this time around.

Mostly agree. Off the Ground and Flaming Pie were uneven. But the rest were fairly solid, and Chaos is one of his best.

I'm convinced that the only people seeing him at this point are a) die hard rich fans, and b) people who just want to hear Beatles songs live before he dies. Which leaves fans like me, who would actually CARE to hear his solo work live, out in the cold.

Because in my high school, the chess club, science club, drama club ALL got jackets. And letters.

That's my favorite aspect about this film so far. Get some color back in these films!

And the difference is….?

As far as I'm concerned, you do. I've managed to avoid it as well.