Lynn McKenzie

I memorized that in high school. Still one of my favorite bits of poetry. Well chosen.

It's even more accurate to say it was just a JOKE.

What? No Isaac Hayes or Prince? Blasphemy!

When I was a liberal in college in the early Eighties, I always considered hippie Dead fans posers. You can only believe someone from that era is a true-blue lib if they dig The Who.

Beautiful episode. I love it, but I would've ended it differently, probably not as happily for the viewer. Kelly would stick to her original decision and die. Yorkie would, after realizing Kelly was gone, leave San Junipero. There must be a way—a switch or station or something. I think they mentioned it.

I enjoyed this, but it's full of holes. What was Shrive's ultimate purpose? To expose people's secrets? They could've just posted the videos without all the interim acts. To rob a bank? Then who picked up the money? Besides, that drone probably cost twice as much as whatever the kid got in the bank robbery.

One Meow Meow bean for being derivative. And I miss the British accents and sensibility.

And Community's take was a helluva lot funnier and more entertaining.

A+. A for the episode, which I quite enjoyed. The + is because it starred Jon Hamm.

She definitely could've been more understanding. That said, it was HER decision, not his. If he hadn't found the indicator in the garbage he never would've known. He tried to force her to have the baby, and so her blocking him has some justification, even if she perhaps should've tried harder to convey how she felt,

This is an incredibly good series. I've only gotten as far as this episode (I skipped the first one of Season 1 on advice from a friend, and I'm not sorry), and I'm impressed at the power of the stories. Even when I think of similar films and novels (Eternal Sunshine, The Running Man, A.I., I Am The Cheese, the Dark

Still waiting to catch a glimpse of Sir Paul.

I hate to say it, but I'm in agreement with the evil lying scuzzbag on this one. Doesn't mean I don't relish them putting him in his place.

Glad I checked this. I was following the wrong onion.

I try to stick to one a day, just to make it last. I'm really enjoying it.

Maybe I'm stretching interpretation, but did anyone else see a hidden joke in the scene right after Lemony Snicket states that no one needs to be afraid of real estate agents?

"My name is Stefano. I am an Italian man." Slays me every time. But this series and NPH are a delight as well.

My jaw dropped when I realized that you actually included McCartney II. Well done! Points off for including Dylan's atrocity, though.

The agony of trying to pick just one! So I'll cheat and take two.

who co-wrote, produced, and performed and programmed the music on the track—