Lynn McKenzie

But would I get to meet Yoko Ono?

I had no idea that he'd written all those theme songs. An unexpected facet of a talented man.

Prepare for violence.

Hadn't planned on seeing this, but now I may buy ten tickets.

Stupid women. I wouldn't go within twenty miles of any theater playing it.

Which he says several times.

I enjoyed it, but it bothers the hell out of me that Gamora has NOT. ONE. SINGLE. LINE.

Then he should have said, "This is stag's work!"

Pancakes are love. Don't believe me, just ask Mr. Royalton.

But Donner is a reindeer.

We should slice it in half. Pennsyl and Vania, with Pennsyl having more votes due to greater population. Be interesting to see what happens then.

I saw them in concert before you were conceived.

Notice that I typed "began to sell out." It was right after this record and its massive success that U2 began putting on spectacles rather than concerts. Everything was TV screens and flashy costumes and songs more concerned with sound than substance right after this album. That's when I turned away from them, which

Wrong, wrong, WRONG. This is the album where they began to sell out. THE JOSHUA TREE is their defining achievement.

But what if all your representatives are Democrats who are already fighting their hardest against the Forces of Evil? What do you do THEN?

It's been done.


Don't know if we'll ever find out, but I'm betting it was an Apple album owned by a former Apple employee such as Chris O'Dell, Richard DiLello or Derek Taylor.

The Ring (the American version). Quite well done, but didn't frighten me. I thought it was a silly premise.

Upvoted even though I'm one of the few Americans who would actually enjoy this.