Lynn McKenzie


I have heard that such people exist.

As far as music goes: Why on Earth did the Beatles keep going after the reprise of Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band? Perfect ending. I always skip whatever piece of garbage comes after it.

L.A. Confidential, after the villain's defeated but before the surviving cop's speech. I couldn't believe how cheap the actual ending was.

Prowse did a lot more than just walk around. He had to act like a silent film actor, using his body language to express his emotions without facial expressions. The way he held his head and stood and used his arms…it's expressive even WITHOUT Jones's voice. Check out the scene where he kills the Emperor in ROTJ for

With David Prowse, or GTFO.

Where's Cloud Atlas?

My Cable Guy story: I saw it in the theaters twice when it came out. The first time was in a half-full theater on opening weekend, with a 90% or so white audience. Barely a laugh (except mine). Second time was a couple of weeks later in a dollar theater, packed, with a 99% African-American audience (excepting me).

I like a lot of the Monkees' music, but I couldn't get into the TV show or the film. It was all just a bit too clever and "Look at how HIP we are!" For my taste, even at the age of ten.

Shouldn't that be the other way around?

Since I disagree with the video's premise that Pleasantville is a lousy movie, I shall pass. No, it's not High Art, but it's a lot of fun and technically brilliant.

Correct. The problem lies in the first half of your premise.

That's not entirely accurate. There's a strong hint that Satan gave Rosemary that vision, and that she's really in Hell. The clue? Roast Mules = Somersault.

I can enjoy American Idiot just for being an entertaining, if not particularly profound, power-pop opera, EXCEPT FOR THE FUCKING CLIPPING. Jesus of Suburbia, that album is so compressed that every track is a ball of buzzing agony in headphones, and even over speakers.

The Purple Rose of Cairo is awesome. (And I loathe Woody Allen.)

I was looking forward to this when I thought it would be a doc on the Beatles playing live, with uncut performances. I suppose I'm a dreamer.

Jumping in three years later to say this. *I* was 18 in 1980. Hell, *I* saw the Who in 1982, on the It's Hard tour.

Chaka Khan? Chaka Kahn?

God fucking damn it. Listen up, Paul, Ringo, Bob, Brian, Pete and Bruce: You all better WATCH YOUR GODDAMN BACKS BECAUSE THE GRIM REAPER IS FORMING A BADASS BAND AND THERE'S NO WAY TO STOP HIM.

Anyone who hates Don McLean AND "Uptown Funk" and who thinks Chumbawamba is brilliant is someone whose opinion I don't need to know about.