Lynn McKenzie

Dylan's Manchester concert on May 17, 1966, is the most electrifying and confrontational live album ever. On the electric set, you can cut the tension with a knife.

Can't wait to see what he does with Alone Again, Naturally.

Leave Ringo out of the How Do You Sleep debacle. He refused to play on it when asked and told John that he was going too far. Always the peacemaker, our Richy.

And he doesn't.

Agreed with all except Dig A Pony. That wasn't aimed at anyone—it was just nonsense spewing from Lennon's heroin-infested head.

I would've liked to have seen Gary Sinise play Brian Epstein. Also imagined Bruce Willis playing Norman Daniels in Stephen King's Rose Madder when I first read the book.

Now You See Me 2? Really? How original. Was And Now You Don't taken, or did they figure their target audience was too stupid for that title?

Oh, OK. Thanks. I got confused. But my next question is this: It seemed to me that the girl Howard had captured got killed as she was writing "Help" on the glass, as explained by the bloodstain and the earring Michelle found. How did Howard get in there to kill her? Was there an outside door that I didn't see? Because

Liked it a lot. The tension ratcheted up to 11 for most of the film, and Michelle was everything a heroine should be: smart, resourceful and quick-thinking without being Superwoman.

They actually had a Scholastic edition without the naked woman. Don't know if they edited the contents within 'cos I already owned the real thing.

She was also fond of the charming expression "The nigger in the woodpile."

Uh, made basically a montage of sexist offensive video game cutscenes?

Just the opposite for me. I very recently broke down and watched The Silence of the Lambs, having resisted for years because I loathed the book, and realized why everyone loved the film so much. Made a helluva silk purse out of that sow's ear.

It was even worse originally.

Man, does this bring back memories, alas.

Star Wars. When Darth Vader died, that was it. Couldn't even bring myself to watch the prequels, I was so torn up. However, someone persuaded me to see The Force Awakens, and that new dude Kylo Ren seems pretty much like Vader, so I'm back on it.

What, no love for Freedom, the hidden track at the end of McCartney's Driving Rain? Such a brilliant piece of pro-American sentiment, with incredible guitar from Eric Clapton, and, and, oh Jesus, laughing too hard to keep this up.

Really? Pray, enlighten us as to what it was. Because all I could see was women being objectified in the most blatant possible way. Hell, the man ADMITTED that he was filming his sex fantasies.

Without doubt, that moment when Kim Basinger called out the hypocrisy of the Academy, which STILL continues to this day, by giving a shout-out to Do The Right Thing as the Best Picture of 1989. Which it was.

Well, considering that I can only think of three female directors (Penny Marshall, Kathryn Bigelow and Ava Duvernay), this isn't surprising at all.