Lynn McKenzie

I don't care what the majority thinks. I love this song and always will, even when they drag me off warbling to the ReConditioning Center.

OMG, thank you. That was classic.

Can't wait for the chapter where he agonizes over the beautiful young woman who came into Euclid Records when he was working there, looking for Paul McCartney 12" imports. The lost love of his life, <x>I</x> she was.

Oh my God, someone else remembers Steven Banks! How the hell are you?

We can only hope.

Lampwick into a donkey is the most horrifying moment in any Disney film. Although economically, it makes absolutely no sense for the villains to get donkeys this way. Surely it'd be cheaper just to breed and raise them?

I have George Harrison's, myself.

There's the soundtrack album, which did include the song as well as the musical score.

Some people want to fill the world with sappy love songs.

Did McCartney need Stevie Wonder or Michael Jackson? Well, I can tell you that in early 1980, prior to the release of TOW or POP, he had a hit on Urban Contemporary Radio with "Coming Up"—NOT the live hit; the studio take. They played the hell out of that sucker, at least where I was.

Some of us feminists are not afraid to say that we're feminists. Ms. Cotillard, you lose points for being an idiotic coward.

I worked in Games at Six Flags in the summer of 1980. It was larger and more corporate, but in general, this film got the anecdotes and atmosphere dead-on. They did miss a trick by not including the days that hit 100 degrees Fahrenheit and the higher-ups sending out large cups of soda to all the employees with orders

Ringo Starr's GOODNIGHT VIENNA. BAND ON THE RUN and VENUS AND MARS. Hell, McCartney does it every other record or so. And SMILE has Heroes and Villains every other song. Then there's TOMMY…oh, hell, I have to get to sleep.

The contrast between the New York take of Idiot Wind (on Dylan's BOOTLEG SESSIONS, VOL. 1-3) and the Mineapolis take is riveting. The first is pure sadness, the second pure fury. Both are incredible.

A Ghost Is Born
Being There
Star Wars
The Whole Love
Sky Blue Sky
Wilco (The Album)

I have heard Best in recordings made with the other Beatles—their audition for Decca, those recordings in 1961 backing Tony Sheridan, and the EMI audition on the Anthology album. He was very consistent. Consistently bad. The only reason the others put up with him so long was that he and his mom were booking all their

You misquoted Allen several times. He actually said he was "too much of a pervert" to make good films. At least, that's how I read it.

No giant spider from IT? C'mon, guys, that's classic awful special effects right there.

Might be easier to get it from iTunes. The band's site is overwhelmed right now.

No beer and no T.V. make El Marinero something something….