Lynn McKenzie

Can we please lock Robin Thicke and E.L. James in a room together? And then maybe throw in a Siberian tiger after a while.

"Mostly" men. Are you sure? I know several women who prefer "femdom", as you label it, including myself.

Ok, fine. Then how come we never read popular erotic fiction with the man as submissive and the woman as dominant?

She had no case. The only similarities between her novel and film are the title and the female protagonist. Apart from that, the plot is entirely different. Personally, I think the film is far more believable.

I could leave her alone if it was just crappy writing. But I won't leave her sanction of abusive relationships as a desirable achievement unscorned.

He looks like he's about ten. No thanks. If only Donald Glover could've been casted last time we walked this road….

At least we didn't buy our great team the way the Yankees did. And we don't glorify fans who interfere with the play to the advantage of the home team.

Back in '86 I walked into Euclid Records in St. Louis looking for an import McCartney single, and this skinny guy with long hair and a very intense face waited on me. I couldn't find the single, but I remember the way he looked straight at me. Years later, I was reading Learning How To Die and saw a picture of Tweedy

Not at the end. And hey, whatever works.

You didn't hear Stephen King bitch when fans were bugging him to finish The Dark Tower. Nope. He just typed faster and got it done.

Was just thinking of this as I gave a friend my BMG The Best of the Velvet Underground CD (no longer need it as I now own all their albums). BMG was superior because they usually only made you buy one disc, and you'd get eight or nine free ones, IIRC. I'd get my freebies, order my full-priced album, usually get

I don't see any crosswalk. *scratches head*

On behalf of middle-aged women, I'd just like to say that some of us have enough taste not to touch this shit with a ten-foot pole. And I say that not because it's BDSM, but because it's shitty writing and shitty BDSM.

I enjoyed Helter Skelter both as a police procedural and as a Beatles fan. Manson really read a lot into the White Album. Loved the part where he said that the defense was planning to call Lennon to state how he interpreted his own lyrics. John's response to that news was classic: "I didn't write 'Helter Skelter'!"

Crichton was a goddamn misogynist. I stopped liking his work after Westworld because his portrayal of women drove me nuts. Ellie was a perfect example. I will always prefer the film for that reason alone.

It's much better in the original Anthology 3 version, before Phil Spector got his hands on it and threw on the orchestras and choir.

Hold Me Tight would've been a much better choice for most skippable.

Yellow Submarine is on Revolver, FYI—both US and UK versions.

Oh, come on. "You Know My Name (Look Up The Number)" is FAR more skippable than "Yellow Submarine." DItto "Why Don't We Do It In The Road?" versus "Wild Honey Pie".

Nowadays he'd put up a Kickstarter account and we'd have the work as his original intent. Shame.