Linda Hunter

This ruling in Alabama comes on the heels of the court case allowing a 12-year-old incestual rape victim to have an abortion. The whole thing was sad and disgusting but this ruling is a step in the right direction.

So glad to see progressives adopting Grover Norquist’s model.

The GOP is running the country very effectively...

The fact that the democratic party is going to endorse people who are anti-choice, fuck them, fuck the lot of them. We need a new party.

I’m so disgusted by my country’s leaders. It feels hopeless.

Does the Right expect any of this stuff to stick or is this just posturing for their base (and/or scaring women about whether or not their rights will be limited)? A lot of these laws are insane and (seem to be) struck down with a lot of frequency. Are they hoping these things will stick or are they the equivalent of

My family is rife with early onset alzheimers with an added delightful sprinkling of strokes. 73 and functional would be fantastic but 65 with a dazzling array of med alert jewelry is more likely.

you are not REVERSING shit you are just not finishing the job. I feel like this should be a clear distinction. You are not resurrecting a dead baby you are simply just not following through with killing it (sorry for the crude language but JEEZ THIS MAKES ME MAD).

You know, if these zealots actually gave a shit about these babies AFTER they were born, it would sure make a lot more sense.

Pretty sure bearing false witness (aka lying to patients) is not something Jesus would be pleased with, so...

And if that fetus survives will be on life support if and that is a big IF and won’t survive long. This is torture and disgusting.

I can only hope that doctors make the choice to disobey this law, as being a violation of their oaths and in order to provide the best necessary care to their actual patient, the mother.

They also don’t plan on giving the fetus any help once it’s born....

These assholes are hell-bent on giving more rights and providing more healthcare to fetuses, while stripping women of their rights and healthcare. I mean.. what is the logic here? Just pure misogyny?

I assume medical intervention also comes with an added price tag. So the cost of an abortion will go up on women who are likely unable to bear the cost. Great.