I felt sorry for Dianna she had to deal with a whole family of A s.
I felt sorry for Dianna she had to deal with a whole family of A s.
You’d think the whole world would back women who want to have choices in reproductive rights. Women would not have to carry a rapist child to full term ie forced birthing with aggressive DNA in the gene pool. Nor would young women who shouldn’t be having sex ie underaged be forced to carry a baby when they…
Pro Lifer’s give unwanted , unsolicited advice to women with whom have nothing in common.
Said bang on.
Yeah where were the Pro to Lifer’s when Terri was dying?
Yes Pro Lifer’s get a real cause so many already neglected born children on this earth, at least give them the time of day.
Yes Abortion is about control over a woman’s body. It’s taking advantage of a woman who is at a vulnerable time in her life.
Yes one woman was carrying twins but she and her doctor knew one twin had fetal abnormalities and wouldn’t live. She gave birth to both after holding the non viable twin and saying her good byes she donated it’s body so another’s baby could live. A selfless private act of compassion. Who would dare to disagree with…
Lua you are so bang on.
Babies come from God.
Why would a doctor keep a non viable fetus/baby alive , just to see it suffer?
The rich women will always have Abortions at the Abortion Spa.
Pro Lifer’s are so anti the woman . They pick on poor, undereducated and unhealthy women to carry a non viable fetus to full term . Hey make their short life’s even more misseriable
If Pro Lifer’s put as much time and energy into women as they do the non born fetus we’d have a healthier population.
Is the price too high for Grey Gardens? Maybe ask $10 Million.
Planned Parenthood’s provides birthcontrol and sex education to females. That prevents pregnancies which in turn prevents abortions. A non viable fetus will self abort. When a mother’s life is in danger or fetus complications doctor/ patient confidentiality is what should be respected.