Cool your heels, Mabel

Does that mean in two years when I’m being handed my phd, my memories of being assaulted by men will be magically replaced with new memories in which I pet kittens with philosophers? Because that would sure make nighttime public transit less of an anxiety crap shoot.

Hot take: Kelly Osbourne has always been somewhat of a garbage person. She’s had several public instances of this (see Christina Aguilera feud, for one). She’d be in fast food if it weren’t for mum and daddy.

I enjoy Martha’s and Snoop’s friendship. It’s cute he gave her a painting.

I don’t eat in the shower because a) my shower is not room-sized and b) i don’t like it when my food tastes like water and shampoo.

This has to be a lie, because your corpse wasn’t discovered in a burning wood-paneled station wagon in northern California.

“So gross. To use our heartbreak as a way to get attention. So gross.”

I know that fame is different now, but it never ceases to amaze me when I hear about a person who has MILLIONS of followers and I’ve never heard of them.

Nah different marriage made of grade A grifters.

“Filed to : what, who”

Who are these people? I looked at her uploads and she has makeup stuff and reaction videos and a blooper reel - are we supposed to know who the heck they are?

Is this the end of a great love

I don’t think it even needs to imply anything, just hang there. Because it’s true, and kind of funny, and also sad. If you were going to describe Trump to someone who’s been living on an island for 40 years, you might say, “Well, he’s the type of guy who likes to hang around beauty pageants.” It would not be a

Oh, a random.person on the internet thinks it’s just for show, well that changes everything! By the way you do realize that if it was just for show it makes him seem even worse?

How is “just for show” a defense? It’s all cool, because he didn’t really care about his (ex)wife being with another guy he just went to his house to fight him for the purpose of feeding into toxic masculinity tropes and influencing other young men to believe that it’s normal to get violent over a woman’s choices, so

Now playing

I am so happy the Megyn Kelly thing was on here, because goddamn was it perfect. And Kara perfectly summed up my feelings for Megyn- 99% of the time she is terrible, horrible, no-good, and very bad. But that other 1% is when she does things like this, and I can’t help but love her. Also, this:

Also, fuck all men who treat women as prizes to be fought over and won. And fuck everyone who cheers on this barbaric behavior.

The line drawn between Adolf Hitler and Donald Trump is both obvious and invisible—like it was etched using a thick black marker with ink only the sane can see.

You know what Mariah’s schtick is? Five octaves.

Is Miley wearing Star of David as a costume????? Jebus.

Really with the world and the way that it’s going with all of the things bringing people back to that kind of a moment. Having them take recognition too that being the real core and essence of life is love.