Cool your heels, Mabel

$165 for a TOTE BAG. I’m dead.

I was 100% going to get the Totes Y’all one until I saw the price tag.

I’ve seen cats defy gravity and dance on the ceiling like a Lionel Richie song is playing if they have enough momentum.

I hope it’s shade, a la “I’m sorry I said ‘half’” regarding the “basket of deplorables” comment.

The Chinese word for cats is also pronouned māo in Mandarin.

Someone told me the other day they knew she had Parkinson’s based on a YouTube video. I said “well I’m not a doctor and I haven’t watched a YouTube video but I’ve taken care of 3 Parkinson’s patients, one from early stages to death, and that’s really not what it looks like but ok!.”

Is it shade?

First of all, you are a delight. Second, “a pack of personality disorders sloshing around in that barrel of brawling diseased monkeys he calls a brain” is the most accurate description of Trump I’ve heard in a long time. Third, your avatar is my spirit animal. In the words of David Cassidy, when he was still with the

It’s not retribution, it’s what’s needed.

Plus, she was actually asked specific questions about Florida in that interview and she answered them thoughtfully. Trump would never be asked specific questions. It infuriates me that he is graded on a curve.

My mother sat me down as a five year old to tell me I was, not might be, called the n-word and I wouldn’t be able to get away with the shit little white kids did before I started school. If I can get that talk at five, little white innocent Cindy can be told, in a way that six year olds can understand, that the police

Right, because she’s the one who needs neurological testing...

but she CLEARLY had a neuro screening IN FULL VIEW OF EVERYONE when she passed out from “”””pneumonia”””” on 9/11.

For real, what kind of bullshit was that?! Spare me your fucking white guilt, it does nothing for us Black and Brown people. Do something real.

This is so fucking unreal. Hillary has to prove beyond a doubt that she isn’t “broken,” while Obama faces two terms of people questioning his birthplace.

And fucking Trump won’t even release his tax forms, and he lies constantly.

Apparently according to these people we should just shrug and tell them “them’s the breaks.”

It’s obviously more than just a fucking word, because you refuse to do it. Also, you know what’s probably easier than hiring an attorney and doing a bunch of paperwork? Just getting married at the courhouse :)

Exactly. Because no matter what papers you sign, legal marriage is its own entity and can override a lot of shit. If this person’s parents, say, decide to fight for legal custody of his daughters, his partner may have much shakier ground to stand on as his live in partner rather than his wife, even if guardianship had

Marriage isn’t “just a fucking word”. It’s a legal status with fairly extensive implications in healthcare, tax, child custody, inheritance, property ownership, civil and criminal legal cases, pensions etc. Marriage doesn’t protect spouses from cheating or leaving, sure, but that’s a massively different thing from

I have mixed views on this. On one hand, it sounds great you are getting what you wanted. On the other, it sucks that this means he has to do something he doesn’t want, and I can’t think of a many relationships that work out when one partner feels forced to do something to stay in the relationship.